Welcome Thread: New Members please introduce yourself here


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Hello to everyone,
I'm new to this forum since today. :) I'm a german guy and live in Heilbronn, near Stuttgart.
I enjoy listening to 5.1 audio. Don't have an Atmos setup actually. Mostly I hear physical releases and love superdeluxeedition.com. Many very good BD-Audio released by SDE so far. Hope my favourite album comes out in 2025. The 40th Anniversary Edition for "Welcome to the Pleasuredome" by Frankie Goes To Hollywood.

Love good produced 80s material. I also like some progressive rock from the 70s. Genesis are my favourite band for that genre.
Son of a…

I just spent 45 minutes introducing myself, only to somehow accidentally click on the ad on the bottom of the screen and I come back and now it’s all freaking gone.

Oh well, it’s taken me from signing up in May last year to finally get around to introducing myself, it can wait another day or so.

As I used to tell my reports after they’d just lost two hours of work due to not saving, “Just think how much better it will be the second time!”
Son of a…

I just spent 45 minutes introducing myself, only to somehow accidentally click on the ad on the bottom of the screen and I come back and now it’s all freaking gone.

Oh well, it’s taken me from signing up in May last year to finally get around to introducing myself, it can wait another day or so.

As I used to tell my reports after they’d just lost two hours of work due to not saving, “Just think how much better it will be the second time!”
Nice to meet you!
As a QQ supporter I think you can go in your profile settings & turn ads off. So it doesn't happen again.
Hi all,

I'm Mathieu from The Netherlands. I've been checking out the forum for a few months and it seems like a great place with people who share my passion for (multi-channel) music.

For me it started in 2002 when I bought my first 5.0 set (Denon AVR 3802 and speakers from B&W 600 S3 range) and got some DVD-audio's. I think A Night at the Opera was the first, I already was a big Queen fan during my teens. This was followed by others such as Crowded House, Hotel California, Fragile and finally In Absentia. In Absentia was just released and it made a huge impression on me. The music was great and the mix was so spacious and detailed. Following Steven Wilson's output from his several projects and his multi-channel mixes for others has brought me much new and different music to enjoy. Same for Bruce Soord actually.

During the 2010's I purchased some discs, but there were not that many released (but maybe I was not looking in the right places). I bought a house with my wife and lost the discussion on how many speakers could be placed in the living room. So, the Denon moved to a smaller room in the house which had awful acoustics and in the living room I had a stereo setup (Marantz PM14 S1 SE + Monitor Audio Gold 200 4g). Fast forward to 2023 and we moved to a new house and I (kind of) won the discussion and now have a 4.0.2 speakers. And it is glorious! I updated to a Marantz Cinema 30 and use the PM14 to drive the front speakers.

When searching for 'immersive' music (still have to get used to the term after calling it surround for 20-years) I found this forum which helped me discover some great music I missed over the years or which is just released (E.g. Big Big Train, Howard Jones). Thus, thank you all for your tips and insights and I hope to contribute as well.
I'm going to try again since I am on vacation so in theory have some time, and I'm on my dad's laptop with an actual keyboard. Though the way this computer has been acting, I won't be surprised if something happens and this post gets wiped out, too!

I finally joined in May last year after lurking for quite some time. I was going to do the new member introduction, but then I had an idea to try to take a panoramic photo of my little listening room to include in my posting or my profile.

Perhaps fate does not want me to introduce myself…. Dad needs the laptop.

I’ll try again later and hope the third time’s a charm!
Here I go again, I've got a little time and I'm at a keyboard....

Anyway, I wanted to include this panoramic photo in my post, so I started thinking about that, and then it turned into two panoramas stitched together, which I felt was appropriate since we're talking surround sound here. But after doing that, I thought maybe my overhead speakers were feeling ignored, so I wondered whether my phone could do a VERTICAL panorama, which it turns out it can! I did a couple of tests of that, but realized it was pretty hard to hold my phone steady while I took an overhead panorama.

So now we're into June, and I thought there was probably a way I could make some kind of a thing to hold the phone and track it vertically for for overhead panoramas. Enter LEGO! So June into July and August, I built and refined a little caddy with gears and a hand crank that did a pretty fine job of tracking, though it was a little clunky. So I added more gears, and I bought a motor and got that hooked up, but then there was too much flex of the axles, so I found that there's a company that makes and sells metal axles for LEGO, and finally I had a pretty cool little thing that takes great overhead panoramic photos. Then I had to figure out how many different shots at whatever angles would be needed to be able to stitch together a super-panorama of the whole room. And that ended up being four panoramas at 45-degree angles to one another.

So I took another set of shots in August, and got to work in Photoshop, which for me is maybe Photoshop 5 (?) running in Classic mode on my 20-year iMac, so it's a little slow with these huge images.

Then fall hit and I fell into a funk, and then winter came and it got worse, and it was hard to do much of anything. Eventually got to my doc and added some supplemental medication which I am grateful to say helps a lot. So I went back to playing around with the images and have an OK prototype that is proving the concept.

So I'm going to try to shoot again. I am going to use focus lock and exposure lock this time, and I am going to do eight panoramas instead of four to make the stitching process a little easier. I'm going to attach a screen shot (as in pointing my camera at the monitor to take a picture) showing the current state of my prototype.


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...And I should talk a little about surround sound before I consider myself introduced.

I've been into music since third grade, when our Music teacher brought in "Yellow Submarine" for us to sing in class. I remembered that my parents had the red and blue sets, so I began my record collection with those albums. This was in late 1983, and a few months later the Beatles were in the news due to the 20th anniversary of their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show, so that was exciting to read about as a new fan.

I was a stereo purist until maybe 15 years ago when I found a Denon 7.1 channel AVR at a thrift store while on vacation in Sheboygan WI for $20 - one of my best thrift shop finds ever! This was shortly after the first three CD/DVD sets in the King Crimson 40th anniversary series were released, and those discs were among the first that began my multichannel audio collection.

Since then, I have had a surround sound system set up in the living room (and I must thank my wife for allowing me to have 10 speakers of various sizes in there!), and for about ten years enjoyed listening sessions there whenever I found myself alone in the house for an adequate amount of time.

During the pandemic, I gained some additional equipment in trade and decided to set up a dedicated listening room in my basement, in a small room that I had originally built to use as a recording studio for playing with my musical partner. It isn't completely soundproofed, but it's built with double-wall construction and is a very quiet room and I can now have listening sessions any time of day or night without disturbing the household. I use a relatively new front end that plays all formats of digital discs, through a relatively new Denon AVR. My front speakers are 1968-vintage AR2ax, rears are circa early '60s Bozaks with crossovers that I scratch-built to Tobin specifications. My center channel and ceiling speakers are KLH model 21. My Frankenstein setup is a strange mixture of new and vintage, but I just love everything and think it looks so cool.

For me, the primary driver of my purchases has been how ridiculously inexpensive these physical releases are in a historical sense, especially with everything that we're getting on some of these discs. I'm talking two, four, or more mixes of an album, each presented in two, four, six or more channels of high-definition digital audio. And other than those discs locked in expensive boxed sets, the most I'm regularly paying for a particular title is about $40 or $45, which is typical for a SDE Surround Series Blu-ray including shipping to the USA. I feel like the most common retail price right now for an album with 5.1 or Atmos is in the $25-$35 range. Then there are the Quadios, which can be picked up for $20 each in bundles. Have any of you bought a new vinyl record lately? That's for two channels of crackly playback that degrades with every play. Did any of you buy DCC gold CDs in 1999, like I did? Their regular retail price at that time was $25. That's almost $48 in today's dollars! For just two channels of music, with a single mix of the album. I remember I bought the initial four Doors discs when they ran a special for 5 discs for $100. That's $38 each in today's dollars! I'm in for every new Quadio bundle, and every new SDE release, because those series have exposed me to so much wonderful music that I would not have heard otherwise. I aspire to giving an attentive listening to each disc at least once. There are some that I am certain I will never play again, but I've had so many more pleasant surprises than disappointments.

My favorite listen at the moment would have to be "Sylva" by Snarky Puppy. I can't believe this awesome music has been with us so long and I'm just now discovering it! I was excited to see "Spectrum" in the latest Quadio batch. And waiting for "Who's Next" from SDE was patience that paid off.

I hope to begin joining into discussions and share my enjoyment of this hobby with you.