XTC in 5.1!!!!!


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Andy P's recent "Drums & Wires" 5.1 tweet:

@xtcfans: DRUMS +WIRES 5.1 bluray is like a 10 disc box set crammed onto one.Demos,rehearsals,instrumentals etc etc VALUESVILLE !

Bring it on! September can't come any sooner! :)
That above tweet is the good news.

Bad news is the only other tapes they have found so far are 1/3 of the "English Settlement" album...
That above tweet is the good news.

Bad news is the only other tapes they have found so far are 1/3 of the "English Settlement" album...
Please site your source.
Not saying I don't believe you but that would be very bad news that would need confirmation.
I have the original UK albums and the original CDs and they are all on Virgin, AFAIR.
Don't think he was referring to that one but all the others originally on the EMI label.

Took me a bit to understand which albums his would include. Everything before Apple Venus and Wasp Star was released on Virgin originally, which was bought by EMI in 1992. So, of their entire catalog we're looking at Drums and Wires, and Nonsuch, right? Until they find the tapes, no English Settlement, No Skylarking, No Black Sea, No Oranges and Lemons, etc. Right?
Took me a bit to understand which albums his would include. Everything before Apple Venus and Wasp Star was released on Virgin originally, which was bought by EMI in 1992. So, of their entire catalog we're looking at Drums and Wires, and Nonsuch, right? Until they find the tapes, no English Settlement, No Skylarking, No Black Sea, No Oranges and Lemons, etc. Right?

Yep, that's one of two reasons why it's taking so long for XTC 5.1 remixes to be released. The other reason is that on both "Nonsuch" and "Drums & Wires" there are so many extra features that it's taken a long time to compile those together for these releases.

But I am hopeful that they will find the tapes for all of the albums mentioned above as well as "Mummer" and "The Big Express". I think the tape situation is partly to do with the sale of Virgin/EMI to UMG, plus Andy P has said before that Virgin never had much care for their tape library (and that includes more than XTC...)
Tonight I heard "Life Begins at the Hop" playing in a midtown Atlanta restaurant. Surely this must be a sign of how the deluxe Drums & Wires has whipped the entire South into a frenzy of anticipation.
Well looks like the XTC tape situation might be slowly turning around!

Some new tweets in today:

Oranges and Lemons getting 5.1 next? Sorry if you've already said on here...1,000 times. :)

Andy P's reply:
Yep,it's up next after DRUMS. The only reason being that Virgin-EMI-UMG can find the tapes

That's great news indeed if "Oranges & Lemons" is next for stereo/5.1 remix treatment. I always thought the original stereo mix was too bright for my tastes, so hopefully Mr Wilson will rectify that to the extent that he is able.

Terrific news! O&L would be outstanding. Now please let them find the tapes for English Settlement and Black Sea!
Terrific news! O&L would be outstanding. Now please let them find the tapes for English Settlement and Black Sea!

Yes! Those two albums (along with "Skylarking") are my favorite XTC albums so it would really be a shame if none of those albums were afforded a remix simply because of missing tapes.
However, I was less optimistic that they would find ANY other XTC tapes, so if they at least have everything for O&L, that's fine with me as it at least shows the series will continue after "Drums & Wires". :)
Well looks like the XTC tape situation might be slowly turning around!

Some new tweets in today:


Andy P's reply:

That's great news indeed if "Oranges & Lemons" is next for stereo/5.1 remix treatment. I always thought the original stereo mix was too bright for my tastes, so hopefully Mr Wilson will rectify that to the extent that he is able.



Yes, the original mix of O&L is absurdly bright.
"SW will rectify that." Very calming words indeed! I choose to be optimistic regarding the tape search. Regardless I hope that the final 2 LPs are being considered. "River of Orchids" and "Easter Theatre" would be sublime in 5.1.
I wonder if they will do the "Dukes Of Stratosphear" side project releases too.?.?.?

I would love that! For any interested Dukes fans there's a fantastic 4-part podcast by Andy with John Leckie on the complete history of the Dukes. It is wildly entertaining and informative and both are in great spirits. Andy also edited in loads of original musical noodlings and sound FX adding to its appeal. Part one is here:


The others may be found in the 'podcast' section.
Ah, this is great news. I absolutely love Oranges and Lemons. The comment that SW will recitify not only acknowledges the brightness but also confirms it should be improved. Excellent (no wait, "Groovy")!