HiRez Poll Young, Neil - HARVEST [DVD-A]


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Rate the DVD-A of Neil Young - HARVEST

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I guess I'm like CAI, as well Jon.

I like this DVDA disc alot....regardless of the placements.

Mixed by ELLIOT MAZER, same chap that mixed Joplin's Cheap Thrills.
Just to follow-up

I gave this disc 9

Gotta love Old Man with Rondstadt on vocals with James Taylor and Taylor's banjo solo, good clean clear 5.1

My favourite tune is Words great vocal, and guitar by Neil and his Stray Gators all in surround.
Regarding Words (which I dearly love too), on the 96/24 stream (and I believe the 5.1 mix - not at home to check at the moment), Words is about a minute longer than the original Harvest release. For those who care there is an even longer version in the video extras of the Archives set. It is broken up by some talking, which can easily be edited out with Audacity or any other wave editor.
Regarding Words (which I dearly love too), on the 96/24 stream (and I believe the 5.1 mix - not at home to check at the moment), Words is about a minute longer than the original Harvest release. For those who care there is an even longer version in the video extras of the Archives set. It is broken up by some talking, which can easily be edited out with Audacity or any other wave editor.

That's my only complaint..the guitar solo at the end on Harvest. There's that huge rip, a pause, a few notes played and then it just fades out. Man I wish that would have lasted longer.
Could have done with more Barn,

Maybe he did not have enough out buildings to mix this properly !!!

Should have called on Steven W or Elliott S

Yes, hee hee, and yes!

I've always thought of that barn as one of the musicians on this record. There are too-brief moments when you can almost smell the weathered old wood. But maybe that's part of the magic here. They say you should always leave them wanting more...

-- Jim, wandering around in the hay loft of this old thread
"Alabama" and "Words" sound great, no doubt. Those are two that are correct. No need to futz with them. They are both stand out tracks and killer in 24/96 5.1. Played loud, of course.
That's how I always viewed the 5.1 of Harvest, as a barn mix.
People complained about the placement of the instruments with the drums hard left etc.
Well, look at the back cover of the album.
Also if you watch the video on the disc, Mazer is placing mikes outside the big barn door.
I don't know, yeah Harvest goes against the conventional 5.1 dogma like not having an isolated LFE track but I don't care.
The recording itself so organic and real still one of my all time favorites in surround or otherwise.
In the intro to Are You Ready For The Country, you can hear the snares vibrating from Drummond's bass notes.
Really phat bass sound if you don't have a sub or 2 it would seem over driven maybe but that a deficiency in the system, not the recording.
That's how I always viewed the 5.1 of Harvest, as a barn mix.
People complained about the placement of the instruments with the drums hard left etc.
Well, look at the back cover of the album.
Also if you watch the video on the disc, Mazer is placing mikes outside the big barn door.
I don't know, yeah Harvest goes against the conventional 5.1 dogma like not having an isolated LFE track but I don't care.
The recording itself so organic and real still one of my all time favorites in surround or otherwise.
In the intro to Are You Ready For The Country, you can hear the snares vibrating from Drummond's bass notes.
Really phat bass sound if you don't have a sub or 2 it would seem over driven maybe but that a deficiency in the system, not the recording.

Excellent observation, Milt, and that explains the "floating" Neil Young vocals which you're correct in assuming could NOT have been achieved with the Stereo mix.....the mix I knew so well via vinyl.

Now if we could ONLY hear the 5.1 remix of After The Gold Rush.....unlikely at this juncture since Neil's focus now seems to be on PONO.
My first listen to this disc today. I was in a good space mentally, I just sat and listened, no computer, no nothing. I give this disc a 10. It is stunning and beautiful. I have many surround discs under my belt, I have a great machine, I have the A Space In Time disc which also has controversy. I read all 5 pages of this thread and some very smart/talented people put in there input. I watched both videos on the disc, front barn and back barn. I studied the set up of the band in the barn. I was intimidated by the others knowledge and there quick wanting to fix the disc, because it was wrong. I don't know how to fix the disc, over my head. But, I am an audiophile and I do put heart and soul into my listening experience.
The performance, that's what we called it at SACD.net is stellar, warm, soulful and thought provoking with exceptional musicians obviously coming together as one, knowing each other for just 3 days and in a barn, beautiful. The 5.1 sonics, made me feel relaxed, and loving the difference of the surround mix, not linear, like almost all surround mixes. For me a good mix is when the mixer, doesn't park vocals and instruments, here and there, because that's where people want them to be. Neil could barely participate in the interview, as he was 100 yards away from the barn and he was blown away. The other side of barn with mic's outside, a mixing truck, etc. They say it right there, WE HAVE NEVER RECORDED THIS WAY. This disc did to me all I want, and that is a feeling of calm, awe, and happiness. It sounded absolutely great. I thought about moving my chair but I just dug it so much the way it came to me. I started thinking about Southern Man and on this disc Alabama, and how Neil was of strong conviction and how Lynryd Sknyrd called him out. I never knew that Waylon Jennings song Are You Ready For The Country came from this recording. I am very happy to say I had a great listening experience and I very much appreciate others before me telling there experience as I was able to have my own. I highly recommend this recording to how ever you sit in your chair.
My first listen to this disc today. I was in a good space mentally, I just sat and listened, no computer, no nothing. I give this disc a 10. It is stunning and beautiful. I have many surround discs under my belt, I have a great machine, I have the A Space In Time disc which also has controversy. I read all 5 pages of this thread and some very smart/talented people put in there input. I watched both videos on the disc, front barn and back barn. I studied the set up of the band in the barn. I was intimidated by the others knowledge and there quick wanting to fix the disc, because it was wrong. I don't know how to fix the disc, over my head. But, I am an audiophile and I do put heart and soul into my listening experience.
The performance, that's what we called it at SACD.net is stellar, warm, soulful and thought provoking with exceptional musicians obviously coming together as one, knowing each other for just 3 days and in a barn, beautiful. The 5.1 sonics, made me feel relaxed, and loving the difference of the surround mix, not linear, like almost all surround mixes. For me a good mix is when the mixer, doesn't park vocals and instruments, here and there, because that's where people want them to be. Neil could barely participate in the interview, as he was 100 yards away from the barn and he was blown away. The other side of barn with mic's outside, a mixing truck, etc. They say it right there, WE HAVE NEVER RECORDED THIS WAY. This disc did to me all I want, and that is a feeling of calm, awe, and happiness. It sounded absolutely great. I thought about moving my chair but I just dug it so much the way it came to me. I started thinking about Southern Man and on this disc Alabama, and how Neil was of strong conviction and how Lynryd Sknyrd called him out. I never knew that Waylon Jennings song Are You Ready For The Country came from this recording. I am very happy to say I had a great listening experience and I very much appreciate others before me telling there experience as I was able to have my own. I highly recommend this recording to how ever you sit in your chair.
anyway.. meantime, this is a QQ Poll (innit..!) I wonder whether all this related channel chopping and changing chat warrants its own thread and a link to it herein the Poll..?

What do you think, Jon/Tim/Bob/Linda/Ryan..?

Peter, Paul, Mary..

Frankie, Sammy, Deano..

John, Paul, George, Ringo..

Barry, Robin, Maurice..?!

Even One Direction..! Anyone..!? :yikes

Maybe not 1D.. :violin