QRX 9001 hopefulness!


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Since 2002/2003
Aug 1, 2003
Columbia, SC
Hi, everyone.
It has been a while since I posted, so thought I'd share what I anticipate to be something great. My QB "restored" 9001 had been making intermittent popping sounds from right rear channel for years. Couldn't get in Bob's work line at the time, thankfully, and got some good info. here about sending it to Pennsylvania for a quality fix, but just didn't get the time/energy to send it. So, put an unrestored Marantz 4400 in 9001's place and sat and looked at poor 9001 for the last 6 months. Well, I saw upon visiting here last weekend that there is a guy, Jim of Vintage Stereo in Eugene Oregon who specializes in QRX restorations, is forthcoming about "secrets" and seems to really know his stuff. I emailed him and got a response that my fix might be easy!! He sent me directions to take out some boards (I sent four in all) and he is going to fix what he thinks causes the popping, do a fantastic "diff mod" and give me the "holy grail" which I didn't get through QB because it wasn't quite available yet. So far, this has been a great experience and I'll post when I get everything back! Jim, even in the process of moving, has returned all my emails and given great information. Mailing these boards is scary, but much easier than shipping a huge receiver!! Please keep your fingers crossed for me that the problem actually resides in the board where Jim thinks it does and that I get back the most discrete sounding quad receiver ever known! I've even gotten motivated through Audio Karma searching to make my 9001 cabinet look better. I bought these products: Howard's Restore a finish and feed and wax and found them awesome so far. I actually went on to do my Klipsch La Scala's and Heresy's too and they look fantastic. I had previously used Old English Lemon Oil, but it didn't seem to last that long. I'm on the second coat, and this stuff is a wax type product, right now and the speakers and my ratty 9001 cabinet look great!

I do have a question or three now that I will soon be re-doing cables and such and getting behind all that hardware. If anyone has any answers to these, please post or PM me. I'd love some insight.

1. My QB restored Akai CR80DSS has begun to act funny when the tape gets to the foil. Whether new foil or older foil, short foil or longer foil, it half-heartedly makes the "kerchunk" sound at the end of the program and does not go to the next program. Just restarts one or two (whichever I began on). Is there anything I can do about this? I've been getting up and manually changing it, but finally just started using the technics deck which is unrestored, but works, but you have to turn the volume higher when using it.

2. I bought DBX SNR 1's to help with noise and such on these decks. Well, I'm not so sure they do all that much because I can still hear the tape making physical noise from winding through the music (not on all tapes, some are quieter - physically). I'm wondering if just taking the SNR's out of the stream might be a good idea. I'd love less cabling back there. Have all the cabling associated with the dbx 400s as well, but need them with the Sansui due to my number of sources. Any thoughts about these units - the SNR 1's? And, what is your two cents on whether they should come out or stay? I know I can take 'em out and listen, and will do that, but wanted opinions you may have. Maybe my ears aren't resolving! Maybe the equipment deteriorates. I don't know.

3. My 9001 isn't dusty or anything on the inside, but while it is open, should I deoxit anything or just leave well enough alone? I don't remember it having any scratchy sounding knobs or anything prior to being taken out of service 6 months ago, but it has just been sitting. Is there such a thing as too much deoxit-ing?

4. I have a Marantz 6300 tt which I use for quad with an AT20 cart. When the renewed, holy-grailed 9001 gets back, will I be getting the best for QS and SQ even though I run the 6300 to the Marantz CD-400 demodulator or am I missing something not going straight to the 9001 phono input (which I've never used)? I don't want to have less than great CD-4 performance if I do that, however. So any opinions there? Am I using the SQ and QS in the Sansui when passing through that demodulator? Trying to plan ahead and get this right! Can't wait for the Lou Dorren demodulator and hope it will be easy to hook up. A modern demodulator would sure remove some of my headaches trying to make sure the vintage ones are doing their jobs.

Okay, sorry it got long. Hope you can help me with my questions and you visit Jim's website (http://www.qrxrestore.com/). Also, sorry this is truly dumb, but I can't figure out how to send pics. I don't know what they mean by URL and was just hoping to "attach" like in email. A member here asked me for a scan of my Q8 of Eric Burden Band Sun Secrets and I dutifully took pics, put them in my computer, but couldn't send them to him in a PM. Also, I could post pics of my current system and that would be fun. Again, sorry I'm missing something here. Help if you can! Happy quad listening!
I'll help you with the last one. You need to upload your pics to a hosting service (there are plenty around like Imageshack) and then it will list links for the pics you can send.
Good luck with your restoration.
Hi Quadgirl!

Nice to see your...I mean... you're back!

I'll try to answer a couple.

1. So, when you push the track change button on the unit, the track changes OK? If so, look into the tape bay (flip open the door) and look at the contacts the foil bridges to change the track. Usually these are over to the left side and are just a couple of metal leafs for the foil to brdge across. Make sure these are clean. Otherwise there isn't enough current flow to get the solonoid enough oomph to move the cam to change the track.

4. Yes, the best way to run through a demodulator if you want to play matrix records is to feed the output to the phono input on your receiver and switch to that input for matrix quad. Just run cables from the direct output on the 400 to the phono input on the 9001. Then you just switch inputs on the 9001. You don't need to change anything on the 400 since there is always an output out of the direct outputs as long as you have the direct output switch in back "on". Then just select the appropriate decoder on the 9001 and you're good to go.

OK, back to 3. If there is no noise in your receiver from the controls or switches, I would just leave well enough alone for now. If it was Deoxited before, a treatment lasts a long time.

OK, back to 2. I would try everything without the DBX if you don't think they are doing much and see what it sounds like. You can always put them back in later.

Sorry about the convolution in the order. \:^)

I can't figure out how to send pics. I don't know what they mean by URL and was just hoping to "attach" like in email. A member here asked me for a scan of my Q8 of Eric Burden Band Sun Secrets and I dutifully took pics, put them in my computer, but couldn't send them to him in a PM. Also, I could post pics of my current system and that would be fun.
in your profile there are "Album" where you can upload picture from your computer.
after creating your album you'll see sort of gallery with small pics. upon clicking
on any it will bring you to page with this particular picture and you'll see beneath the pic 2 links.
upper one just a basic link to page with pic, second (BB Code) will show picture in your message
in PM or in any forum's topic. just copy and paste and you'll get like this:


or like this:


Hi Laura, nice to see you back.

You should be able to attach pictures to a post just by clicking the MANAGE ATTACHMENTS button when you create a post. I'm not sure if you can do it in a PM or not. I've never tried it, but I'll check it out.

It's great to have another active woman here. I would have been Quadgirl, but you already took that. There can only be one Quadgirl.

The 9001 is a great sounding and great looking receiver. Good luck with the fix for the four boards.

Thanks, Doug, Otto, John and Linda! I will definitely try your suggestions. I'm getting ready to check Doug's 8 track player fix - wouldn't it be great if it were that simple. Years ago I bought some things that look like jumbo sized q-tips that will reach back there, so will clean anything dirty and hope for good results. It is good to be back - I get so much insight and help here. I wish I could stay in touch more when the school year gets here, and will certainly try this year, but I love that I can read and read and read here during the summer. I will definitely let y'all know about my QRX boards' repair from Jim. Thanks again - this is the best forum on the internet. Oh - Jon, do you still use your Denon receiver in the second room or wherever you had it? I only ask because I went from the 3808 to the 4310. The first had right channel problems and one hdmi went bad; the second had a bad NIC which was a PITA to have to send whole unit to Virginia for Denon to replace it. I know yours is the wireless version, so maybe better, but while I love the way the Denon sounds (sorry for those who say they don't sound different, but the Denon sounds way more musical to my ears than the Yami 2600 I last had - all the rest of the equipment being the same), I am starting to get suspect about their quality. And they have nice ipod/ipad apps which just aced out my unit (bought one year too soon), so a little disappointed with that. Anyway, just an aside. Talk to y'all later!
Hi Quadgirl!

Nice to see your...I mean... you're back!

I'll try to answer a couple.

1. So, when you push the track change button on the unit, the track changes OK? If so, look into the tape bay (flip open the door) and look at the contacts the foil bridges to change the track. Usually these are over to the left side and are just a couple of metal leafs for the foil to brdge across. Make sure these are clean. Otherwise there isn't enough current flow to get the solonoid enough oomph to move the cam to change the track.

4. Yes, the best way to run through a demodulator if you want to play matrix records is to feed the output to the phono input on your receiver and switch to that input for matrix quad. Just run cables from the direct output on the 400 to the phono input on the 9001. Then you just switch inputs on the 9001. You don't need to change anything on the 400 since there is always an output out of the direct outputs as long as you have the direct output switch in back "on". Then just select the appropriate decoder on the 9001 and you're good to go.

OK, back to 3. If there is no noise in your receiver from the controls or switches, I would just leave well enough alone for now. If it was Deoxited before, a treatment lasts a long time.

OK, back to 2. I would try everything without the DBX if you don't think they are doing much and see what it sounds like. You can always put them back in later.

Sorry about the convolution in the order. \:^)


THANKS A BUNCH, DOUG!! The Akai 8 track deck fix worked like a charm. I have been listening to Edgar Winter Group They Only Come Out at Night, Billy Joel Piano Man, and now listening to America. All changes are working like new. What an easy fix. Thanks for taking time to help.
Yay! No problem!

As a little aside here, when I first worked for Telex (circa 1978 - 1982), we supplied Ford with the basic (raw) 8-track tape decks for use in their stereo and quad radios.

I was one of two techs who kept the associated test equipment in repair and calibrated and troubleshot any particular problems with the decks themselves. It was a blast!

We even got to travel to Toronto (quad) and Philadelphia (stereo) when issues arose.

So, I know a bit about 8-track decks.

Dirty tape sensor switches (the "technical" name for the foil switch) was one of several things we battled with one of our suppliers as they would make them and ship them to us without cleaning them first and they would be greasy. One of the test tapes had just a short reel of tape in them with several foils along it and forced the deck to switch through all tracks. The greasy leafs on the switches caused exactly the same symptom as you experienced.

At one point, we even had people automatically clean them before we put them into decks until we got the vendor straightened around.

Yay! No problem!

As a little aside here, when I first worked for Telex (circa 1978 - 1982), we supplied Ford with the basic (raw) 8-track tape decks for use in their stereo and quad radios.

I was one of two techs who kept the associated test equipment in repair and calibrated and troubleshot any particular problems with the decks themselves. It was a blast!

We even got to travel to Toronto (quad) and Philadelphia (stereo) when issues arose.

So, I know a bit about 8-track decks.

Dirty tape sensor switches (the "technical" name for the foil switch) was one of several things we battled with one of our suppliers as they would make them and ship them to us without cleaning them first and they would be greasy. One of the test tapes had just a short reel of tape in them with several foils along it and forced the deck to switch through all tracks. The greasy leafs on the switches caused exactly the same symptom as you experienced.

At one point, we even had people automatically clean them before we put them into decks until we got the vendor straightened around.


Hey, Doug!
That's a great "little" aside! No wonder you knew exactly what to do. I have had mostly awesome cars in my life, but for a brief reprieve, I had a Ford Pinto once owned by my grandparents for a short while in the late 70s until about 1983, so maybe had some of your work in there! Ha! Great history! I sure appreciate it and am glad to have people like you on this site. One thing about that Akai deck - it sure is hefty! I think that is why I tend to use it more than the technics, though it is a wonderful deck, too, just more subtle and not as assertive in the way it holds the tapes in. Anyway, thanks for a prompt response on a holiday weekend! Mine is all the better for it.