Moody Blues "To Our Children's Children's Children" (New Stephen W Tayler 5.1 Mix!)


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Damn good deal!

Amazon UK sent email that mine has shipped although not able to track yet. Shipping via Asendia, who I never heard of. Keep fingers crossed. And they honored the initial 32.95 GBP, with global shipping to US plus tax, total cost was $57.74. Pretty good of them!

My ETA is 5-25.

Really looking forward to this album with a new surround mix :cool: This is my 2nd fav MB album, #1 fav is ISOTLC. I will be...Watching & Waiting!
Shipping via Asendia, who I never heard of. Keep fingers crossed.
Actually, there's a fellow at Asendia who opens all of the 5.1 box sets, rips them to his hard drive, and then reseals them before sending them off to the addressee. So don't worry, you'll eventually get it. 🤣

I've had packages sent via Asendia and never had a problem in the past, so you should be OK ss9001.
Actually, there's a fellow at Asendia who opens all of the 5.1 box sets, rips them to his hard drive, and then reseals them before sending them off to the addressee. So don't worry, you'll eventually get it. 🤣

I know that's a lie because I've not see this release on filehippo yet.
  • Wow
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hmm.. 🤔 i dunno.. it's early days, think maybe this semi-good boy favours the old Quad SACD still..? might just take a bit of getting my ears accustomed to the sound? the new version seems so much brighter and more forward than i'm used to! 😅 wowzers! 🤩
I would definitely call it a more forward presentation, but I did not think that it was brighter than the Quad SACD. (I immediately played the Quad after the 5.1 and was going back and forth.) The Quad SACD is a tough act to follow. It, along with On The Threshold Of A Dream are arguably the best sounding of the MB quads.
Any merit to this SHF listener's claim that the new 5.1 & stereo mixes were somehow derived from the quad master?
After listening through it and flipping back and forth between the 5.1 and the Quad, I would say that the 5.1 is indeed derived from the quad master. The movement of certain elements of the 5.1 on Eyes Of A Child is identical to that of the quad...and it should be.