"AAA" Anonymous Atmos Addicts: which release did you buy twice or more to get the Atmos Mix of it?


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It's all the multipul copies of each title the makes them start to reallly add up.
At last count I have 15 versions of Pink Floyd - Animals on the hard drive that is contributing to over 3500 PCM albums and another 500 or so SACD's
It just nutting futs.
I know I have ar least three vinyl copies of DSOTM, and two digital ones. Along with the purchase of the album from Apple Music. They are all different releases of the same album.
I'm always in two minds about this. My minimalistic, anti-collecting-for-the-sake-of-collecting nature fights against the thought of buying more than one version of a given album. On the other hand, I want to show my support for the artists and labels that release physical editions of Atmos mixes.

One good thing about being relatively young and not having been for too many years in this hobby is that my collection of multichannel releases isn't huge yet, so there are many titles I've never owned in any surround edition before (e.g. any Pink Floyd album 😱 just to mention some of the most repeated examples in this thread - I love them but I've never had the opportunity to listen to them in quad or 5.1, let alone Atmos). So, in many cases, I don't even have that inner debate. So I'll be buying DSOTM and Animals as soon as my new dedicated room is ready (it's almost there - only needs the extra speakers), but it will be the first time I ever own those albums in physical format :)
I never listen to it, so I sold the 5.1 recently. Anyone wanna set odds that I buy the Atmos version anyway? 😇
Maybe the allure of ATMOS will tempt you to play it this time around 🤔☺️

Not a title you listen to ad nauseam, but every once in a while, it jumps into your collective mental playlist, and once played, doesn't disappoint.

Given it's a Steven Wilson production, I assume the ATMOS mix should be an improvement over his previous 5.1.
I would think most of the recent Atmos upgrades from an existing 5.1. I hit surround late but hard. E.g. Have replaced several of the excellent King Crimson 5.1s with those available in Atmos (and will continue to do so). My wallet is on antidepressants these days
in consideration that 5.1 is seemingly less preferred now than Atmos, and there are a lot more out there to upgrade in the future.

Consider, say, the Moody Blues. Regular CD at first, then MFSL, and then 5.1s came along. Dump the CD, try to sell the
MFSL on Discogs for a profit, then prep for dumping the 5.1s if offered in Atmos (hell, the upmix on IN SEARCH OF THE LOST
CHORD was good! I'd chance Atmos upmixes).

Now multipy by all the classic bands you upgraded from CD - MSFL (maybe) - 5.1. Maybe I should unretire.
That’s crazy talk. Who would do that?

Oh, wait… So far…

  • R.E.M. - Automatic for the People
  • Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon (standalone)
  • Van Crankypants - Moondance
  • Pink Floyd - Animals (I preordered grudgingly just in case of a price drop but forgot to cancel. It arrived during a complicated time and I forgot to send it back… I’m not even a huge fan of the album!)
  • Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles My Sensory Perception of the Known Universe
In my dreams:
  • Any R.E.M. 5.1
  • Any Dylan 5.1
  • Any Beatles 5.1
  • Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
  • Beck - Sea Change
  • Lennon - Imagine
  • Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (which does seem inevitable in the next two years tops)
Last edited:
Pink Floyd - DSOTM
Pink Floyd - Animals
The Doors - Best Of
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense movie
R.E.M. - Automatic For The People
Mike Oldfield- Tubular Bells
Ten Years After - ASIT
Van Morrison - Moondance
Keane - Hopes Andrew Fears

The collector in me will not let me sell off my 5.1 duplicates.
Recently added:
Yes - Fragile
Yes - The Yes Album
Pink Floyd - DSOTM
Pink Floyd - Animals
The Doors - Best Of
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense movie
R.E.M. - Automatic For The People
Mike Oldfield- Tubular Bells
Ten Years After - ASIT
Van Morrison - Moondance
Keane - Hopes Andrew Fears

The collector in me will not let me sell off my 5.1 duplicates.
Recently added:
Yes - Fragile
Yes - The Yes Album
Sorry double post