No apologies required on this one, it should have happened many years ago! Viva Chris Squire
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Hello, is there any QQ'er living in Boston? I might be going next week and any suggestions would be welcome. Especially if they point me out to any nice music shop
I was just looking on the BBC website and this appeared! George Michael has died at 53.
What is it about 2016!
No freaking way! No way! REally???
Looks true it is the BBC, Rick Parfitt yesterday, George Michael today, there is going to be one hell of a band from 2016 up there in the clouds.
This one sort of shocks me I guess. Believe it or not, I was always a George Michael (solo) fan. I thought he had a great amount of talent. Geez. What the heck is with all these deaths??? Seriously!
Hello Lads,
I've been in a bit of a tricky spot lately, sorry for my elongated absence.
About YES in the HOF, in my heart I do share joy with Colsky and my entire YES family, but I will say this:
Too fuckin little and too fuckin late. I am loathe to use the F word except when it is mandated. Forgive me Jon & Mods.
We all like different music and there's no arguing who's better than who. BUT.
YES owned an entire decade, the 1970s. They would travel from town to town filling 100,000 seat stadiums before music became
a conglomerated power to easily fill stadiums with massive global promotion. The millions who saw YES were there because YES blew them away and took their
ears & minds to a whole new musical level.
YES basically invented an entire genre of Music, progressive rock. If you don't believe me, go ask say RUSH or Steven Wilson...
YES were a band when you could watch one single member for the entire show and be musically satiated and exhilarated. They took their
studio perfect creations and evolved them to a higher level live. Any questions, please check out YES - Yours Is No Disgrace from YESSONGS.
Steve Howe's guitar solo is incomprehensible good.
YES held the record for selling out Madison Square Garden for 5 nights in a row. WTF? That alone should have gotten them in 40 years ago.
YES began in 1968. Almost 50 years ago.
The so called R&R HOF is notorious for being controlled by a select ignorant & arrogant few who have despised Progressive Rock for decades.
Look how long it took for Genesis to be inducted and how many billions of fans heard their music and how many tens of millions of records did they sell???
Yet the R&R HOF is full of two hit wonders who you've never heard of.
Forget the opinion of YES fans. YES' case for induction could be made by a four year old child.
Yeah I guess this means one thing. I'm still mourning the loss of Chris Squire.
We miss your music Mr. Squire.
Its a global disgrace that the R&R HOF have acted badly for decades and now its too late for Chis to make his rightful entry in person.
That's about all I have to say ATM.
Merry Christmas to everyone!!!