I’m just wondering Gene, if you watch Ozzy and Jack’s road show on TV?
I’m just wondering Gene, if you watch Ozzy and Jack’s road show on TV?
L-R: Ian Hunter, Jon Lord, Russ Valory (?), Ozzy
I know, what's the point when you already have the SACD collection, but it is new, news. Creedence (CCR) 7 mini LP collection MQA x UHQCD, I love collecting the mini LP's they are very cool. I have yet to try a MQA disc, Sir Ralph, didn't like them.
OK, good to know, of coarse I have to try at least once. I have seen benefits in SHM CD and Blu Spec CD2's so why not?Not so regarding MQA...... Just bought the Japanese MQA UHQCD edition of Joni Mitchell's BLUE and it sounded superb. George Harrison's ALL THINGS MUST PASS in MQA was just so so......but blame that on Phil Spector's WALL of SOUND approach....although the acoustic tracks sounded fine!
OK, good to know, of coarse I have to try at least once. I have seen benefits in SHM CD and Blu Spec CD2's so why not?
No I don't. My McIntosh MVP891 universal player is on the fritz, not reading SACD discs, it does have 7.1 RCA out which I like, seems everything is HDMI out now.The OPPO 205 has MQA built in [replacing HDCD decoding] but if and when I EVER get my Meridian system set up [because of Covid 19]....I have a pro model MQA decoder and in combination with my Meridian 808 Reference RBCD player, I was told it should sound astounding.
BY ALL MEANS try those MQA discs.....a bit pricey ... on par with AP's Creedence Stereo SACDs .... but I'm sure you will be pleased ..... Do you have any way of decoding MQA, BTW?
No I don't. My McIntosh MVP891 universal player is on the fritz, not reading SACD discs, it does have 7.1 RCA out which I like, seems everything is HDMI out now.
So I sit a little confused at the moment. If I had to make a decision right now, I think I would get the nice Panasonic 4K Blu Ray player and a Sony Universal disc player, with MQA? The two together are cheaper than the McIntosh MVP 901.
I think it is a vanity piece for McIntosh as there effort goes more into the amps and preamps.
I don't know about the MQA in either of those, just need to research a bit. I do know that a lot of streamers are carrying MQA and some AVR's.Are you sure they're MQA equipped? I hear you about the Mac ..... but I'm sure either the Panny or SONY will satisfy your 4K needs over the Mac.
I don't know about the MQA in either of those, just need to research a bit. I do know that a lot of streamers are carrying MQA and some AVR's.