Love Ambrosia...have all their CD's.
Why am I at home listening to music...on a work day??? Well, company offers GOOD FRIDAY as a paid day off. I'll take it!! Long weekend brothers.....
Good..since you are home.. how about "rooting around" that pile of CD's and find 1984 and take a picture of it and post it here...
LOL! That WOULD require rooting around. I'll go take a look and report back...
If you have the "guts" to do it...take a picture of the "pile"...we could use some entertainment today on the's Friday...:friday:
OMG! The "pile" is actually now in many piles. Since I was copying my CD's to my laptop...they are scattered all over the basement in "mini-piles"
my CD's are in disarray right now...all over the place and in tupperware crates too...
Today I have been feeling waves of musical I broke out some old cds...some oldie compilation discs with 60's music...and some electronic dance song I have always loved is RHYTHM IS A DANCER.....reminds of dance's a mix that is so upbeat it brings your mood up...elevates your one time in my life I wanted to be a DJ(when I wasn't dreaming of being a star athlete or some type of hero)and playing that song in an upbeat club...I don't think these guys that do the electronic dance mixes get enough's more art than science...
Of course busting out these CD's has a downside..makes me think of how many CDs I gave away...geeze..what a mistake that was...I just hope the people I gave them to used them...I'm looking at some of these CDs...Buddy Guy..Lenny Kravitz(when he was a singer not some wannabe model)Robert Cray..Al DiMeola..Bill Withers..Thom Rotella...what a spectrum...
Since this is All About is an old pic of me and the Mrs Gos......dancing it up to some Morris Day & The Time (The Bird) back in the day....she would KILL me if she knew I just posted this...lmao
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A pic of back of my listening area.....with Klipsch surrounds and my monster sub......which can double as a piece of furniture....
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Let me guess...your seat is the one by the sub...and when the Mrs is gone I bet that vase is taken off the sub...:music
hehehe - and here I am back in 1987....just moved into a new apartment....had me some Sabbath on CD and was making some copies onto Maxell cassettes....notice the box...
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I'm noticing those eyesarty:friday: