feels like we're drifting into mythological territory almost..

i'm pretty sure CBS didn't make 2 Quad mixes, one 4-channel discrete mix and another 2-channel SQ matrix-encoded mix destined for SQ LP.
with CBS there would be only one Quad mix, the discrete 4-channel master mix.
that 4 channel mix got fed out from the console into an SQ encoder, encoded simultaneously to lessen generational degradation and kept Flat with no EQ in order to reduce phase anomalies that might otherwise futz with SQ.
i'd be very surprised if there's more than one Quad mix of 1976's "Burton Cummings" album (i.e. a different SQ mix distinct from the discrete one that was on Q8) by that stage in 1976 we were lucky to get just one mix at all let alone two!
i imagine any perceived differences would be down to the facets, limitations and dare i say it, deficiencies of the SQ system, the drawbacks of the encode/decode process and turntable setup (as we know, correct azimuth and axial tilt compensation beneficial to getting optimum results with SQ, it was a fussier format to make the most of than was perceived by some, i reckon) and whatever decoder was being used at the time.