I have updated both the PDF document and the zip file contents (minor changes to the batch files - more info and updated the Aeon Nox skin to latest and additional mods to the QQ Logo files).
Please delete your temporary Kodi install files and download latest
QQKodiADM.zip and start again.
If you want to try again, go to your FTV Settings, then Applications and Uninstall 'Kodi Nerds' then start the process from scratch.
EDIT: You may also need delete some data copied with these batch file commands (after you login in first - copy this into a new bat file). I'm not sure if uninstalling the Kodi app will also deletes its folders - it should I guess...)
set /p IPADDRESS="ip-address-of-fire-tv: "
adb kill-server
adb start-server
REM ---- adb connect <ip-address-of-fire-tv> -------------
adb connect %IPADDRESS%
echo "Your FTV should now be connected - Close if not and check your FTV"
adb shell rm -r /sdcard/kodi_data
Please watch the batch file command window and report any errors shown
To make step 3 easier to follow, I broke it down into 4 smaller steps: 3A to 3D (the PDF has screen shots) - Do not proceed to next step unless previous step is completed. Please let me know if you find any issues.
STEP 3A: Initial attempt to install Kodi (grant permission to Debug on your FTV)
Now go to the folder you created with all the downloaded files in Windows File Explorer. Find the file: Install-1.bat and double-click to run it: The batch file will ask you to enter your FTV IP Address, go ahead and enter it. Then hit <Enter>
The batch file will attempt to connect to your FTV, which will be blocked first time: Your FTV will pop a screen 'Allow USB Debugging?' Click 'Always allow from this Computer' Then click 'Allow'
STEP 3B: Second attempt to install Kodi (after granting Debug permission above)
The batch file install has failed to connect, so close the command window and run the Install-1.bat once again (double-click) This time you should see the ADB connects to your FTV and it will then install the Kodi apk and finally copy a small file that tells Kodi to use an alternate folder system for its user data (one you can access). This is quite fast. When the Install-1.bat is completed, you now have Kodi installed but you now need to give Kodi permission to access folders (and files) on your FTV – See Step 3C below.
Edit: Step 3C no longer required as the batch file now does this step
STEP 3C: Give Kodi permission to access folders (and files) on your FTV.
Go to the FTV, and then in Settings (the Cog icon) screen click: 'Applications' Then click: 'Manage Installed Applications' Scroll down find and click on: 'Kodinerds Omega' (the name of the Kodi version just installed) Then click 'Permissions' Then click: 'Storage' and set that to 'All Files' – Allow management of all files Permissions are now set for Kodi to run correctly.
STEP 3C: Run Kodi on your FTV (Edit: was Step 3D)
You can now click the 'Back' button and click the 'Launch application' to start Kodi for first time.
IMPORTANT: After setting the Kodi permissions above:
YOU MUST RUN KODI AT LEAST ONCE before proceeding to STEP 4 Kodi will do a first run config: Kodi will ask permission to record audio ('
Deny' or 'once only' seems to work).
Kodi will ask permission to access photos and media: '
Now go to the Kodi menu at top and exit the Kodi app.
STEP 3 is now completed but ONLY if you have run Kodi on your FTV