Apollon (Japan) 'Dynamic Quad-8' Q8 Tapes


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Since 2002/2003
Apr 21, 2002
Toronto, ON
A few of these tapes showed up in one of those Yahoo! Japan auctions that yielded our first glimpses of the RCA Japanese Q8's, and I had no idea what they were, but @winopener alerted me to another auction on eBay italy for another tape that helped put a label name (Apollon) on these tapes, and from that I was able to dig up a tiny bit of info, namely this short Billboard article:


February '71 would have put them in to the Q8 game pretty early (after RCA's December 1970 Q8 launch) and I have no idea if they did any tapes beyond the initial 5 mentioned in the article, but I thought I'd put what I know here, in the hopes that maybe someone else here has (or can identify) the missing tapes.

(Updated 14 September 2018)

DS-1001 - 'Quad Phonic Demonstration Special' / ク才一ドフ才二ック デモンストレ一ションスペシャル
DS-1002 - 'Easy Listening Special / Super Quad Eight' / イージーリスニング・スペシャル / スーパークォード・エイト
DS-1003 - Minoru Muraoka 'All About Shakuhachi' / 村岡 実 '尺八のすべて'
DS-1004 - 'Rock Guitar Battle '71' / ロックギターバトル '71
DS-1005 - 'Latin Dynamic' / ラテンダイナミック
DS-1006 -
DS-1007 -
Keiko Saijo and Tenor Sax 'Sobbing in the Night' / 西城慶 子テナーサックス 'と夜霧にむせぶ'
DS-1008 - Fantastic Strings + Scat 'Your Moonlight Swim With Mood Music' / ファンタジック ストリングス+スキャット '夜空と海とムード音楽'

Tapes identified from photos (provided below) but without catalog numbers:
DS-1??? - Jacky Yoshikawa and his Blue Comets
DS-1??? - Sousa Deluxe
DS-1??? - Man's Special! Beat Rock and Mood Rock

DS-1005 - ラテンダイナミック 'Latin Dynamic'

L: Sousa Deluxe / R: Man's Special! Beat Rock and Mood Rock (unknown catalog numbers)

Top: Jacky Yoshikawa and his Blue Comets (unknown catalog number) / Bottom: Latin Dynamic (DS-1005)
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Thanks for that, Mark, I've updated the first post to reflect the new information. It's funny, the Japanese writing on the cover appears to be (after run through Google translate) a phonetic version of "quad phonic" - I recall reading somewhere that the reason that quad in Japan was generally referred to as "4 channel" rather than "quadraphonic" was because there was no exact equivalent word, and trying to pronounce it phonetically for the Japanese was difficult.

Presumably the other three tapes I posted pictures of are DS-1002/1003/1004 - at least we know what we're looking for now, I'm sure the tapes will show up somewhere sooner or later.
Attached are photos of APOLLON Easy Listening Special. DS-1002 (Q8)
APOLLON Easy Listening Special. DS-1002 (Q8) [Japan]a.jpg
APOLLON Easy Listening Special. DS-1002 (Q8) [Japan]b.jpg
APOLLON Easy Listening Special. DS-1002 (Q8) [Japan]c.jpg

Thanks for keeping this updated, it should help me fill in some holes in the discographies
Hi Mark - @bigbillquad sent me photos of a few more Apollon tapes that he won as part of that Japanese auction that netted him all those RCA and Victor tapes.

Once I get through posting all the photos of those tapes, I'll come back to this and add them. It's going to take a while though, and I also still have to transcribe and decipher all the Japanese text on the Apollon tapes. I'll make sure to tag you when I do though, so you get a notification.
DS-1001 - Quad Phonic Demonstration Special / ク才一ドフ才二ック デモンストレ一ションスペシャル
演奏: 秋山健三とフレッシュノーブル才ールスターズ
Performance: Kenzo Akiyama and Fresh Noble Tales

唄: 三浦みちゆきとザ・プラネッツ
Vocals: Michiyuki Miura and The Planets

DS-1002 - Easy Listening Special / Super Quad Eight / イージーリスニング・スペシャル / スーパークォード・エイト
ボーカル、アルトサックス、テナーサックス、バリトンサックス、フルート、 アルトフルート、フリューゲルレホルン、 クラリネット: 岡崎広志
Vocals, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, flute, Alto flute, flugelhorn, Clarinet: Hiroshi Okazaki

ドラム: 石川晶
Drums: Akira Ishikawa

ピアノ: 大野雄二
Piano: Yuji Ohno

ギター: 杉本喜代志
Guitar: Kiyoshi Sugimoto

ベース: 寺川正興
Bass: Masaoki Terakawa

Side 1
  1. Spinning Wheel / スピニング・ホイール
  2. Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head / 雨にぬれても
  3. Here There and Everywhere / ヒアー・ゼアー・アンド・エヴリホエア
  4. By The Time I Get To Phoenix / 恋はフェニックス
  5. You've Made Me So Very Happy / ユーヴ・メイド・ミー・ソー・ベリー・ハッピー
  6. Maybe September / メイビー・セプテンバー
Side 2
  1. I'll Never Fall In Love Again / 恋よさようなら
  2. Girl Talk / ガール・トーク
  3. Traces (Footprints of Love) / トレーシス (恋の足跡)
  4. Something / サムシング
  5. Yesterday I Heard The Rain / イエスタデイ・アイ・ハード・ザ・レイン
  6. Didn't We / ディドゥント・ウィ
DS-1003 - Minoru Muraoka 'All About Shakuhachi' / 村岡 実 '尺八のすべて'

DS-1004 - Rock Guitar Battle '71 / ロックギターバトル '71
ギター: 杉本喜代志, 川崎燎, 石間秀樹, 水谷公生
Guitar: Kiyoshi Sugimoto, Ryo Kawasaki, Hideki Ishima, Kimio Mizutani

編曲: 井上 孝之、クニ河内、大野克夫
Arrangements: Takayuki Inoue, Kuni Kawachi, Katsuo Ohno
DS-1007 - Keiko Saijo and Tenor Sax 'Sobbing in the Night' / 西城慶 子テナーサックス 'と夜霧にむせぶ'
唄: 西城 慶子
Vocals: Keiko Saijo

テナーサックス: 秋本 薫
Tenor Saxophone: Kaoru Akimoto

編曲: 小谷 充、池田孝
Arrangements: Mitsuru Kotani, Takashi Ikeda

DS-1008 - Fantastic Strings + Scat 'Your Moonlight Swim With Mood Music' / ファンタジック ストリングス+スキャット '夜空と海とムード音楽'
編曲: 横内章次、青木望
Arrangements: Shoji Yokouchi, Nozomi Aoki