HiRez Poll Flaming Lips - AT WAR WITH THE MYSTICS [DVD-A]


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Rate the DVD-A of Flaming Lips - AT WAR WITH THE MYSTICS

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Things are different in a good way when I play this disc on my new Oppo 103 player. Instead of two choices stereo or surround, I get an advanced resolution option that includes different versions than the dancing naked girl that appears when I played this on other bluray players. for instance "Vein of stars" has a 10 second keyboard intro that is not included on the dolby digital version and "the wand" has extra bleep blop effects.
Things are different in a good way when I play this disc on my new Oppo 103 player. Instead of two choices stereo or surround, I get an advanced resolution option that includes different versions than the dancing naked girl that appears when I played this on other bluray players. for instance "Vein of stars" has a 10 second keyboard intro that is not included on the dolby digital version and "the wand" has extra bleep blop effects.

Ah wonderful! That's the DVD-Audio layer working its multichannel magic! Now you'll be able to revisit so many DVD-A discs and enjoy them all over again but in Advanced Resolution this time round! (y)
Thanks for the DVD-audio explanation. I thought something like that was happening as I've noticed other disc I own now have different backgrounds since the Oppo change like Rush "Farewell to Kings" and Lynyrd Skynyrd "Southern Surroundings" now have backgrounds with lyrics or song info.
Thanks for the DVD-audio explanation. I thought something like that was happening as I've noticed other disc I own now have different backgrounds since the Oppo change like Rush "Farewell to Kings" and Lynyrd Skynyrd "Southern Surroundings" now have backgrounds with lyrics or song info.

You're very welcome! (y)

I'm so jealous! (in a good way!) I'll never have that wonderful experience again of discovering the true potential of those DVD-Audio discs for the first time that you are enjoying right now!

Ahh.. I'll never forget the first time I put my little collection of DVD-A's through my (then) new Pioneer Universal player.. cute little lyrics pages were one thing.. but the sound.. ohh.. my.. I was enthralled! I soon set about upgrading.. and buying lots more DVD-A's (and SACDs! don't forget your lovely new Oppo can play those! Oppo can handle Blu-ray Pure Audio, DualDiscs and DTS CDs too!) and thanks to QQ's recommendations got into all sorts of great new surround music! SO much fun!!

Any questions you have as you continue on your DVD-A journey of exploration please do ask away here, there's so many helpful people here with great knowledge. Have a blast! :)
Ooooooooooooooooooooh Mixamatt - you are in for a world of fun - New doors have opened - go into the light :music
Sonics 10? The mastering is horrendous. NO dynamics at all.

Keenly, I completely agree with you regarding the mastering on this, and for that matter ALL the other Flaming Lips DVD-As. I should have separated the "mix" and "sonics" into two categories. My amended review:
Mix: 10
Sonics: 5 (horrible mastering, but resolution does sound 24/96)
Music: 7
Keenly, I completely agree with you regarding the mastering on this, and for that matter ALL the other Flaming Lips DVD-As. I should have separated the "mix" and "sonics" into two categories. My amended review:
Mix: 10
Sonics: 5 (horrible mastering, but resolution does sound 24/96)
Music: 7

Yeah it is a shame really, the mix is indeed great.
This is my second favorite FL release. Great mix, and real good music. I vote 10. (Edit) Oops, i actually voted 9, which is what i meant to say.
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Awesome mix for a fairly mediocre album. Still worth an 8 in my opinion. I picked this up for about $50 AUD on eBay which is a very reasonable price. I would probably have been disappointed if I had paid upwards of $80 (comparable market price for AU).