if you are going to try and prove something, at least put the correct information down so others can learn correctly"
UMX should read BMX
I used UMX because the magazines NEVER referred to BMX. They always said UMX, saying it was short for Uniform MatriX. If I say BMX to most enthusiasts (especially here in the US), they think of a type of bicycle. The only place I have ever seen BMX is in technical documents from Denon.
I also have trouble with the obscentity checker when I type BMX.
And don't tell me it's the same, UMX was the "Umbrela" name and consisted of more than one part, BMX was the name of the Matrix
Technically, BMX is the 2-channel matrix disc, UMX is the 4-channel encoded 4-track tape (and anything else with all 4 encoded channels), and UD-4 is the carrier disc.
There is also something your missing in you way of decoding Matrix H using Qs and SQ decoders. As i said, and it's enforced by that document, SQ is not capable in any way of decoding Matrix H. All you're listening to is a phasy mush, with incorrect instrument placment etc.
Did you catch that I said to
move the speakers?
SQ is perfectly capable of decoding BMX in a rhombus speaker configuration, IF you do these:
- Move the speakers: Move LF and RF farther apart. Put LB between them in the front. Put RB in the middle of the back of the room (or have two RB speakers at the LB and RB positions)
- Reverse the phase of the LB speaker (now in front)
- Turn off the 10/40 blend
- If you have front-back logic, turn it off. But the Wavematching Variblend logic can be used.
exactly matches the BMX modulations for left center, right center, center front, and center back.
Now, H is halfway between BMX and RM. This means the following are true:
- The left center and right center modulations are the same for all three (H, BMX, and RM).
- The H center front modulation combines both the clockwise modulation of BMX center front and the inphase modulation of RM center front.
- The H center back modulation combines both the anticlockwise modulation of BMX center back and the antiphase modulation of RM center back.
So I placed the SQ back speakers in the same places I put them in the BMX decode, but put them in the middle of an RM array of speakers. Once I get the phase set right, the H locations are created acoustically (but not electrically).
RMLF . . . SQLB . . . RMRF
. . . . . . . . me
RMLB . . . SQRB . . . RMRB
If I wanted to, I could put the other SQ speakers to my right and left. Then I can have RM with one set on, BMX with the other set on, and H with both. And if the RM decoder also has SQ, I could have SQ too, using the RM speakers.
It's not exact, but very close. Each speaker is at least as close to the correct modulation (or closer) as the left channel of a stereo set is to a sound panned halfway to the left on the stereo stage.
I am a college instructor. They don't pay me enough that I can gallivant around eBay and buy stuff. So I have to make do with what I already have. There is no way I am buying a BMX decoder for the one record (marked UMX) I have. Likewise, I have only four H recordings.