And predictably, on social media, someone uses that very quote as an opportunity for a gratuitous slag against Atmos:
I almost can't believe that such lazy zombie dismissals are still shambling witlessly across the landscape in this day and age. And from someone representing a site (A Closer Listen) devoted to reviewing instrumental ambient, electronic, experimental, modern composition, and "soundscape" musics, yet--among the genres best suited to immersive mixing. Talk about malice aforethought. You'd think they'd be curious enough to listen with open ears; seek out some artists, mixers, fans and listeners who actually do "care about Atmos"; and weigh some of the technological, aesthetic, and commercial nuances of the issue, rather than indulge their knee-jerk "feelings" that Atmos (and, for that matter, quad) is merely another cynical commercial gimmick that no one asked for. Even one ostensible defender resorts to the old "two ears = two channels" canard.
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