I do not have Blade Runner on CED. I never went the select-a-vision route or whatever it was called. I didn't even know it was released on CED.
LOOK! It was!!:

Wow I might have to seek it out just to complete my selecttion.
I do not have Blade Runner on CED. I never went the select-a-vision route or whatever it was called. I didn't even know it was released on CED.
LOOK! It was!!:
View attachment 42081
Wow I might have to seek it out just to complete my selecttion.
Perhaps THE worst of all Optical Disc formats ..... or was it analogue? They used to gunk up the discs so the cartridge could glide over the grooves and that gunk used to stick to the stylus and wreak havoc! Shame on YOU, RCA....What were you thinking?
I do not have Blade Runner on CED. I never went the select-a-vision route or whatever it was called. I didn't even know it was released on CED.
LOOK! It was!!:
Wow I might have to seek it out just to complete my selecttion.
I do not have Blade Runner on CED. I never went the select-a-vision route or whatever it was called. I didn't even know it was released on CED.
For whatever reason, I didn't connect with that movie when I saw it in a real theater. Some time later, a friend threw on the CED and even with the skipping and pan 'n' scan I wound up enjoying it much more. Some things just need a second look, I guess.
Maybe the same thing applies with the newer version, but the first one is still special to me.It was one of those rare films way ahead of its time. Didn't connect with it immediately, either but upon subsequent viewings I finally realized it for the masterpieces it was/is! I still can't connect with the 'sequel' Blade Runner 2049!
Maybe the same thing applies with the newer version, but the first one is still special to me.
And what about Deckard's narration; who likes it, and who doesn't- I'm still undecided?
I saw "Blade Runner" in a movie theatre but not during its initial run. Immediately loved it. I prefer the narration, partly because that's the way I first experienced the movie and partly because there were some memorable lines(for me) in the narration.I like Decker's narration. Adds [shall we say] GRAVITAS. I only watched the sequel in 3D and to say the least, it was VERY disappointing. BAD use of 3D. Maybe I deducted a point [or two] for that! But you're right.....time will tell!
BTW, the BEST current version of Blade Runner to savor Rutger's performance is the NATIVE UHD 4K from WARNER BROTHERS
Sorry guys, but for me the original cut is the one that really CUTS it!!!
That Criterion LD rocks!!!!!!! (bought at Tower Video, Boston 1988)
Wait.. is that version available anywhere .. ehem.. MODERN?????
Oh.. I have about 20 boxes or more of stuff in Madrid, LPs, CDs, DVDs and of course LDs!!!! (let's not even mention my 2, count them TWO Technics SL-QL1 mint Linear Tracking TTs) I might have to rescue them eventually!!!LASERDISC, KAP? Oy LD has about 480 lines of resolution .......or less! I have hundreds of them and they take up valuable space on my storage shelves collecting dust.
Now that's one Atmos mix I'd love to hear; had the CD forever, and have you seen what the SACDs for the sound track goes for? I prefer the Vangelis O.S.T. music.One of the best movie ATMOS mixes I've heard. The picture ain't too shabby either...
The Atmos mix is reference. The PQ is the best it's been.
Combined, it will not get any better soon.
It's like watching the movie for the first time, and we've probably all seen it a hundred times.
It's #1 on my 4k list so far.
It's scary to think about this was produced in 1982. So far ahead of it's time technically it's not even funny. Very few modern day movies can even hold a candle to it.