Chris Ready Restored My Sansui QRX-6001!


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Senior Member
May 12, 2002
Panama City, Florida
It is with great pleasure that I would like to share with you all my experience with Chris Ready ( ) and his restoration of my Sansui QRX-6001. I sent him my receiver about two months ago, and I received it back from him today, December 4, 2010. I can't say enough about the quality of the work that was done, and how incredibly fine the Sansui sounds, his work is top-notch. Here's the work that was done: It arrived with a bad power switch, leaking rectifier, and a bad transformer (spiking). He replaced 229 components: 8 output transistors, 1 speaker protection relay, 3 main power supply filter capacitors, 1 power switch, 8 fuses, 4 potentiometers, 1 FM regulator, 15 bulbs upgraded to 45 LEDs, 187 electrolytic capacitors, and 1 entire 6001 base assembly-(incl. transformer, main boards). He stripped the unit, washed the frame and all boards, and the reverse board was flux washed. The face plate was cleaned and polished, all knobs were ultrasonically cleaned, bottom cover was washed with antibacterial soap and water. The cabinet top cover was resurfaced and re-stained. The power switch was upgraded to E-switch 7 amp redundant contact with protection capacitor. The three main power supply filter capacitors were upgraded to Nichicon KG gold tune and Cornell Dublier type. All 8 output transistors tested poorly and were upgraded to Sanyo new old stock. Output heat sink thoroughtly cleaned and resurfaced, high quality heat sink grease used between transistors and insulators. All 187 electrolytic capacitors were upgraded to the following types: Nichicon KW (audio), Kz (muze), KT (high temp audio), FW (audio) in the signal path areas, Panasonic FM, FC in the power sections. He hand re-soldered every solder joint with 60/40 high grade solder, and cleaned all flux. The amplifier's DC offset and Bias current was calibrated for all four channels, the FM Section was aligned and peaked for optimum performance, Pre-amplifier voltage and SQ/QS voltages adjusted. Output measured with 1000HA sine wave and 8 OHM load present, 44 watts per channel observed pre-clipping. All modes tested, unit received 20 hours of total burn in time.

Whew! A huge amount of work and all very well done. The sound is absolutely amazing and the unit looks like new! I am very very pleased. If you need your quad (or even stereo) equipment worked on, Chris is your guy!

Here's a link to a short movie I took of the unit in action:

I'll post some pics on my next post. Wow! I'm sooo happy!
WoW!! Beautiful work. I believe Chris has a real future in this business!!

As info, I cannot view your video.

MTGC (Michael)
That thing looks brand new! Sounds like we may have a good "go-to" guy for repairs. Of course, time will tell! :D

Very nice QJ. Sounds like you'll be quaddin' late into the night!
WoW!! Beautiful work. I believe Chris has a real future in this business!!

As info, I cannot view your video.

MTGC (Michael)

Are you getting any error messages? I've tested the link and it works for me, and others seem to have viewed it with no troubles. Which browser are you using? Also, you need to have some type of media player that will play .avi files.
I need to chime in on this thread. Chris recently restored my Sansui to its original acoustic magnificence also.
Those of you who follow these topics will remember how I tried to solve my "cutting-out channel" problem. I was rather proud that I traced it to the driver boards - by reversing them the problem moved from the right rear to right front.
Anyway, since that's where my electronics prowess ends, I contacted Chris, who repaired and returned my baby much faster than I'd hoped.
Also, I didn't think there were any other issues except for the one channel, but listening to the finished product I can now say "I was wrong".
It has much better balance and distribution of the sound now; I have to go through my entire collection as if listening for the first time =-).

What most impressed me is that he was willing to repair the active problems, without trying to talk me into a complete overhaul. He even soldered a couple of lightbulb connections for me that I had just twisted together.
I would recommend his services without hesitation.
I'll get some photos posted here (not home right now). Here are the details of his work:

Sansui QRX-6500
Serial Number: (213090362)
Plant#21—Production Date:09-1973
Unit number 0362 produced for model year
Repair/Overhaul Data Sheet
50 Components Replaced Total
42 Electrolytic Capacitors
8 Potentiometers
Work Performed:
Replaced all electrolytic capacitors on both amplifier boards with Nichicon audio grade—KW—KT—KZ—Panasonic FC—FM.
Adjusted the amplifiers Bias current and DC offset for all four channels.
Resurface amplifier board contacts, on board and receiver.
Replaced all electrolytic capacitors on the power supply and amplifier rectifier section with Nichicon PW, Panasonic FC—FM.
Completely hand re solder, flux removal both amplifier boards, and power supply board.
Blow out unit with static and moisture dampened compressed air.
Test amplifier section—20+ hours of nonconsecutive run time.

I've already exceeded 20 hours of run time myself, and I'm still amazed at the power and clarity this unit produces.
Lately, I've begun a restoration project on a pair of Sonics speakers to complement it. I should post photos of those too...
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Thanks for posting this. I need to follow up with chris to fix my Sansui 9001. I had spoken to him months ago about it. It was "restored" by Quadbob and it needs to be fixed right. Its fun listening to a three channel quad system.
How much is the work on average. I have a QRX 999 that I have wanted to get restored. Get the blend resistors removed and everything upgraded.
Hi Joe, I bought a Marantz 2385 that was restored by Chris and it is absolutely perfect in all respects!! I'm not a quad guy but had to chime in on Chris.
Nice Joan Baez song in the video BTW "Love Song To A Stranger' I always thought her version of "Long Black Veil" on "The Country Music Album" was the best.

Kevin in CT
Sansuis may be the most beautiful Quad receivers. Built like tanks. Their amplifier sections sound great. The QS decoding and synthesis are without parallel. I have an incredible grasp of the obvious! Although I sold them, I've never owned one.

Like my Marantz, the Quad gear looks so impressive in the dark. Far out, man! My modern B&K preamp looks stark by comparison, just a blue readout listing source and surround mode. Although it performs incredibly, it doesn't look anywhere near as impressive. Quad era, those WERE the days!!!

27hotrodguy, can you tell me about the Sonics speakers? Are they Japanese? What drivers are in them? Did you purchase them new? If so, where? I don't recall them being marketed in Chicago.

QuadJoe looks like a real Sansui afficianado. I spot a late 70's vintage Sansui 2ch receiver in the photo.