*UPDATED* DIY Repair of Marantz SR8015, no audio on any channels


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Well again props for all the investigation and work you did to repair your unit!

Back to that cooling thing.
I believe if I had an out of warranty unit I would still be tempted to find a 12v source in it and make that the driver for a 12V fan(s). In this usage case you would want speed controlled fans, which means according to the voltage applied would control the fan speeds. If too noisy running wide open then just put some resistance in the circuit to lower the fan speed...some won't run well below 7V but that's dependent on the fan motor design.

Well a little digging found this small PWM controller so that one can control when the fan turns on/off or vary the fan speed via it's temp sensing lead. May be better ones IDK.
This would allow the use of PWM fans that can be controlled via the temperature sensed from the lead placement and doesn't break the bank price wise.

Thanks for the suggestion and product recommendation here. This is just a personal preference, I like keeping things as close as possible to how they left the factory.
I also know many won't agree with that sentiment (including my 20 year old son) but the info you have provided here will no doubt help more rational people. Thanks again, this makes the thread a better resource for future readers.