They also now sell 5.1 downloads from their website--much more affordable.
Not streaming. Download.Just received word that TACET has put out Mahler's 9th in surround. Don't do streaming, physical media or nothing (so far), and
so I'll get this. Hey, I have all their surrounds, why stop now? .
[edit: hmmm. Only available as streaming? Grrrr. Must enquire. . . .]
Not streaming. Download. View attachment 88040
Yeah, yeah, I conflate the two as both being non-physical media. I really don't need another thing to backup.Not streaming. Download. View attachment 88040
Not a trend for me. A way of life. I will do anything to avoid physical media for many reasons.Hope this isn't a trend.
We discussed having a must-haves or musical primer a week ago in our zoom call, but not sure at all who voted on these (not me). Kal, I am VERY sure that any input from you would be valuable. The goal is simply to highlight "classic classicals" if you will.None bad but a mixed bag with some curious choices. No statement about how this was arrived at.
Thanks but I don't know anything about the zoom call or the process. For example, I'd like someone to justify the inclusion of this one. I've never heard it or heard of it but there are a few acknowledged outstanding available alternatives, some in original high-rez/multichannel. I have several.We discussed having a must-haves or musical primer a week ago in our zoom call, but not sure at all who voted on these (not me). Kal, I am VERY sure that any input from you would be valuable. The goal is simply to highlight "classic classicals" if you will.
Slim pickings for this major piece at NativeDSD but this one is pretty good.Kal, first off we have a limited pool, our partner labels. I think the composition is king, not necessarily the performance, so if you have better Requiems in our label family, speak up. That's all I'm saying.
I think the piano he's using sounds fine. And his reasons for using it make perfect sense, since Mozart would be composing the orchestral parts around the tonality of that particular piano.
I'm going to bite on this boxed set, found it for $90 shipped on eBay.
Thanks for the replies. You've sent me in the right direction and I'll start accumulating as budget allows.
The Beethoven set sounds great, because it's solo piano there's not a lot of need for the rears but it does have a pleasant "live" feel with the space's natural reverb. These box sets are a steal for the volume of content they provide. Now I have to consider seeking out some more composers/releases when I'm done with the Beethoven set. Classical is nice for sitting around the living room decompressing after work.Got an extra 10% off both, so also purchased this Beethoven Sonatas boxed set. That ought to keep us busy for a while. I'll give my wallet some time to relax until the next run. lol
Thanks for the BIS lead, they have a bunch of good releases in surround.