I voted 10. I wanted to post my thoughts on this poll awhile ago but forgot. I, like others missed the intial release and I eventually purchased for $225.00.
This set, gorgeous, from book to the four Blu Ray Discs.
I believe the 4 months it took me to build my Atmos Room was intended for this release.
I ripped the non concert discs for my listening and viewing pleasure. The concert discs sounded incredible, equal to the non concert discs, but the little men in the beginning that evetually became bigger men at the end, was not to my liking when compared to discs #3&4, the non concert discs.
The non concert disc is pure large graphics that are very cool on my big TV.
Ripping: I ripped as one film, reason was for the gapless playback, which JRiver cannot do if doing in chapters as a MKV video file, no problem with FLAC music files. So when I listen/watch this 24/48 MKV video file it is best of both worlds with sound and vision.
The non concert discs (FILM) are Disc 1 in length 1:57:36 and Disc 2- 2:50:15, 4 hours of music and visuals is a lot.
The Music in Atmos: Perfect, but it starts with the 5.1 foundation which by itself is super good, but the heights, 4 for me, sound incredible and just pull me into this magical discrete ball of sound. My 3 subs also blend superbly with the electronic music being like a river of sound that goes around and through me.
I am lucky that my 3 amps all have VU meters so if there is any confusion as to what is playing from what speaker, I never have to guess. I can also turn off the foundation amps leving the 1 amp driving the 4 height speakers. I do this ocasionally on Atmos mixes to check out the honesty of the mix, and as you could guess this mix was done by a very good mixing person.
If I was to be at all negative it would be even though there is a ton of content it can be redundant, between Concert and Film, I don't think even the most die hard Kraftwerk fan would go crazy happy with listening to 8 hours over and over?
Also in the two disc film, one chapter, I forget the name, is like a greatest hits, so it becomes redundant X 2.Outside of that trivial comment this is a Atmos listeners dream.