Customer Survey! (super short)


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300 Club - QQ All-Star
QQ Supporter
May 11, 2012
Hi there all!

We have a survey at the request of our mysterious benefactors-to-be, and would really appreciate it if you would take the time.
I'm trying to send this to existing customers but it requires an opt-in - thanks to those who already have. If you haven't, here's the link.

It's questions. Should take less than two minutes.

Survey Link!

Actually - I managed to do a send to all email addresses - so you won't be signed up to the mailing list (which is an infrequent mailout anyway - last one was March I think)

Yours, in a white-wine sauce,

~David (The Bitch)
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Hi there all!

We have a survey at the request of our mysterious benefactors-to-be, and would really appreciate it if you would take the time.
I'm trying to send this to existing customers but it requires an opt-in - thanks to those who already have. If you haven't, here's the link.

It's questions. Should take less than two minutes.

Survey Link!

Actually - I managed to do a send to all email addresses - so you won't be signed up to the mailing list (which is an infrequent mailout anyway - last one was March I think)

Yours, in a white-wine sauce,

~David (The Bitch)
Prefer a sassy blush.
Can't please everybody around here...I felt there should have been an opportunity to qualify our third response like we did for the first. But it was a simple yes or no. Not too many things are so absolute in the surround sound world.

Maybe that's exactly why you didn't give us the chance...
I said the same to the financial types but they wanted it yes/ no. Personally I wanted a whole lot of more info
Can't please everybody around here...I felt there should have been an opportunity to qualify our third response like we did for the first. But it was a simple yes or no. Not too many things are so absolute in the surround sound world.

Maybe that's exactly why you didn't give us the chance...
Exactly. When it asks if I would recommend Involve products to someone I said yes. But the real deal is if I could recommend Involve products to someone. The analog connections on the SM is a no go for most people with modern AVR's. There isn't a single person I know with-an HT set up that could utilize the Surround Master. Of course Involve makes other good products but the Amp Master or Y4 system is aimed more at replacing a AVR and the people that want something like this will be disappointed at no ability to decode the various high res streaming & Blu-ray, SACD, etc, formats.
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I REALLY wanted to experience the Surround Master.

And my system used only optical and balanced inputs and outputs. To integrate the SM I purchased 3 Palmer PLI02s. These are 2 channel Balun/ line isolation boxes, a transformer, that will accomodate TS/TSR and XLR connections, made up some cables with the appropriate ends and viola(sic) MAGIC! I tried other line isolators to accomplish the SE to Bal conversions, only the Palmer was satifactory to my ears.
There isn't a single person I know with-an HT set up that could utilize the Surround Master.
I can output from the analog stereo jacks on my Oppo into the SM and then into the 7.1 analog inputs on my Marantz AVR. So you do know a person with an HT setup that can utilize the SM...although I admit that I am not single. :)
The question in the survey,

"Would you say Involve Audio is the best surround reproduction you have heard?"

With regard to what?
- QS decoding? Yes
- SQ decoding? Yes
- IA decoding? Yes
- Stereo upmixing? Depends on the source material. Some other decoders such as Logic7 and Tate Surround do a more impressive job if given the right material, but they can really eff things up. The SM never effs things up...It's an artifact-free presentation.