Hi Cookie!
Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to go into such detail on this subject, I greatly appreciate all your knowledge and insight, to me it's invaluable.
It is so crucial, I feel, that more labels take a leaf out of your book, in order to make as much Surround/Quad and Hi-Res music available as possible, that the labels get creative and consider all the options at their disposal, including Crowdfunding.
Whatever it takes (short of any criminal acts of course! well, I could get a bunch of stockings in and we could all rob a bank!

) but seriously if it gets more Surround & Hi-Res music into more people's hands (and ears!) that has got to be a good thing hasn't it..!?
It's so interesting to see you touching on things like charities and donations because over the last couple of years I've ruminated on a collective of QQ members maybe trying several things;
1.) Establishing a label of its own (with a remit of licensing Quads from other labels, reissuing notable out of print 5.1's and previously unreleased titles.. and releasing and representing artists who have the desire but are unable to get their music released in Hi-Res Surround),
2.) Setting up a body with charitable status (tax breaks among other benefits) for the preservation of Quad and furtherment of Surround & Hi-Res for future generations, so that 5.1/Quad & Hi-Res do not become some relic that dies off with all of us (this could be tied into the Surround/Quad reissue label idea?),
3.) Forging closer ties with labels, especially the speciality and boutique labels (such as your own Blue Coast Records) who plough everything they've got into just the kinds of releases we at QQ crave and buy in respectable numbers (but it appears just buying these titles to 'support the cause' is not enough, more needs to be done, social networking, promotion, etc., as you suggest, there's much to be done.. and there must be more we could do here, with industry professionals and label Chiefs such as yourself, together.. the upshot would be you sell more of your product, Cookie and we get to hear more of the surround music we love! Everyone's a winner in such a scenario!
..it would take a Herculean effort... and a sizeable number of members to get any of those ideas off the ground, not least a fair chunk of working capital.. and of course, above all, any of my above little pie in the sky ideas would need full consent and blessing of QQ's owner and creator Jon Urban, if there were to be any hope at all of doing anything along those lines. It is of course possible that nobody else feels any of its a good idea, most of all Jon.. still, it would be a shame not to utilise the goodwill, reputation, enthusiasm, commitment and passion of this splendid community to the mutual benefit of Surround Hi-Res record buying customer and Surround Hi-Res record label alike, even if a QQ label and a QQ Quad/Hi-Res Surround music preservation charity are non-starters
Good to meet you Cookie, hope you have a blast here at QQ, you've only been here a day and already you've made quite an impact! :upthumb
All the best,