Released in 1969 and featuring a lineup of future jazz superstars (Wayne Shorter, John McLaughlin, Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, Joe Zawinul, Dave Holland and Tony Williams) In a Silent Way truly ushered in Davis' jazz-fusion heyday, one that would come to full fruition the following year with the release of Bitches Brew.
Discogs links: 2002 US SACD / 2002 EU SACD / 2002 Japan SACD / 2007 Japan SACD
Wiki page for the album: In a Silent Way
5.1 mix by Mark Wilder
Discogs links: 2002 US SACD / 2002 EU SACD / 2002 Japan SACD / 2007 Japan SACD
Wiki page for the album: In a Silent Way
5.1 mix by Mark Wilder
- Shhh / Peaceful
- In a Silent Way / It's About That Time