Deep Purple "Machine Head 50 (Deluxe)" 3CD+LP+BD-A w/ Atmos, US quad and 5.1 bonus (3/29/2024 -Universal)


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i'm sorry to hear that Duncan 😔
it's so disappointing, i don't want to besmirch any character personally and frankly i'm nobody so what does my opinion matter anyway but i just cannot fathom why the label would not choose to give the task of remixing such a hugely important Classic album to someone else with more experience mixing in Atmos instead..!? the results speak for themselves 🤷🏻‍♀️
Frankly, all I can say is I’m glad Dweezil wasn’t the one ito remix his dad’s work into Atmos and the tall order was given to someone more skilled like Gobel and Auger! I hate to say it but it’s the truth. Granted, I haven’t heard the Atmos but if his stereo remix is anything to go off of, it’s piss poor.
2 - the Atmos seems to be lacking some punch. Part of this was remedied by turning up the volume to address the aforementioned volume difference, but it still seems a bit thin to me at times. The thing with Deep Purple is if you take away that low end, the heaviness really disappears. There is some reverby delay stuff going on in the rears on Smoke On The Water during the chorus that I haven't noticed before and I thought that was cool.
Agree 100%. My 4 subs had virtually nothing to do.
Frankly, all I can say is I’m glad Dweezil wasn’t the one ito remix his dad’s work into Atmos and the tall order was given to someone more skilled like Gobel and Auger! I hate to say it but it’s the truth. Granted, I haven’t heard the Atmos but if his stereo remix is anything to go off of, it’s piss poor.
I was just listening yesterday to all three of the Zappa Atmos releases, and the 3 of them are top 10 in Atmos releases, hands down.
Got mine from Amazon yesterday. Someone needs to explain how Amazon/USPS ships. I got two boxes yesterday from Amazon. One, was in a box that was trashed on the outside and you would think the internal contents would be damaged but not so for that particular vinyl box set. The second looked perfectly fine on the outside and in that one was my machine head box set and it had indentions on the outer box of the box set that was in the proper shrink wrap. I get tired of these packings from Amazon so I started a return and they are sending me the replacement tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it will be okay!
Got mine from Amazon yesterday. Someone needs to explain how Amazon/USPS ships. I got two boxes yesterday from Amazon. One, was in a box that was trashed on the outside and you would think the internal contents would be damaged but not so for that particular vinyl box set. The second looked perfectly fine on the outside and in that one was my machine head box set and it had indentions on the outer box of the box set that was in the proper shrink wrap. I get tired of these packings from Amazon so I started a return and they are sending me the replacement tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it will be okay!
Nothing to explain, it was ever thus, with no expectation for future improvement.

We balance the risk of shipping damage & tolerance for minor cosmetic flaws against the convenience of reliable, tracked, quick shipping with 30-day return or replacement.
Mine is out for delivery. I was hoping the swirly-ness that I heard on the streaming Smoke was not indicative of the whole album. That and other aspects felt so gimmicky.

But after watching the Dweezil interview, seeing Gillan’s comments, and reading the initial thoughts here, it looks like I’ve paid decent money for the U.S. quad. And I suppose that’s OK. I’m going to love having that. Kudos to Rhino for including it.

What really disappoints me, though, is that this is possibly our only chance to get a great Atmos mix of this classic album. It’s not like we’ll get Machine Head: The Atmos Apology Mix by Wilson or Tayler in a year or so. At best, maybe we get another shot on the 60th anniversary with whatever audio format is making us buy our favorite albums again.

In one sense, I can appreciate the stance that this is meant to be different, so let it be what it is. It’s just that we know there are mixers who can bring something fresh to a surround mix while keeping it true to the original work.

Dweezil is now at the top of my “Investigate heavily before buying” list when it comes to Atmos mixes of classic albums.

(Adding Roger’s comments)

Regarding how Dweezil ended up helming the new "Machine Head" remix, Roger said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "It wasn't our choice. I mean, this was coming from the record company. The record company wanted Dweezil, because of, obviously, his father's connection. And we'd met Dweezil, I think, four or five years ago. He got on stage with us and played a couple of songs with us when we played Montreux Jazz Festival. And I didn't really get to know him much. He was just a nice chap, and he came and played guitar. That's all I remember, really, about that. And when they said that they wanted Dweezil to mix the album — well, I'd already mixed the album for the 25th anniversary, so [I said], 'Well, why do you need another remix?' But they said, no, they wanted Dweezil. I think it's probably a marketing thing. They thought it was a cool idea."
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I’ve “remixed” this headline from Blabbermouth. (

Yes, this is really, really childish. But I feel better now.

Frankly, all I can say is I’m glad Dweezil wasn’t the one ito remix his dad’s work into Atmos and the tall order was given to someone more skilled like Gobel and Auger! I hate to say it but it’s the truth. Granted, I haven’t heard the Atmos but if his stereo remix is anything to go off of, it’s piss poor.
I just hope that he doesn't think that he is qualified now to do the rest of his father's future ATMOS releases.
That is what I did last night. I really enjoyed the Atmos mix. I didn't have any issues with the panning or the weight of the songs. It sounded full range and not thin, like some people claim.
I’m with you. I didn’t find it awful at all. In fact I rather enjoyed it. Oh well, I guess different strokes different folks and all that. At least with Machine Head, we have no less than 4 different surround mixes to choose from, so everyone can choose their personal favorite and ignore all the rest.
Atmos discussion aside, now that I’ve got this in my hands, it’s a nice package overall. I’m not much into the paper stuff that is included in boxes like this, but I enjoyed the pictures in the book. Vinyl looks good, too.

I also don’t have a problem with the sound quality of the ’71 show. Being that it’s at the Casino, it’s appropriate to be in there. Before I thinned a large collection of DP audience recordings, I heard much worse, so maybe I’m used to stuff that’s not stellar. I’m glad it was included along with the ’72 show.

And I like the video background for the Blu-ray when the music is playing. Nothing over-the-top, just subtle and enjoyable to look at.
Here we go again, just like the Black Sabbath "Paranoid" Quadio, The Quad disc will only play in Stereo omy Denon reciever, not happy. Also, like others have said where is the bass on the Atmos mix. Not listened to the CDs thus far.
It seems like this is another of the discs where it depends a lot on what equipment you play it on. My impression is that the Atmos mix is the best version of Machine head i have heard. At first when Highway star started i felt that there wasn´t enough happening in the rears. But soon everything was just perfect. And there is more bass on this than all the other versions i have heard.
I have always felt that the extra 5.a mix of Lazy has been the best from this album. But i think the Atmos mix is even better much because of the excellent bass. Hopefully this is the last version of this album i have to buy. Compared to other boxsets i don´t even find this to be very expensive. I don´t need the vinyl but that is my only complaint