neil wilkes
2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Unless it is either
Sonic Solutions Scenarist 4, with Blu Ray addon (for the BD-J) and the CineVision set for proofing. Cost = $150,000, or
Sony Blu-Print. Cost = Unknown
Because Roxios DVDit Pro, Adobe's forthcoming EncoreCS3 and all the rest of the packages available cannot produce a master disc you can distribute or have replicated.
Only the above packages have the necessary licenses to produce replication Masters. ALL others are strictly for BD-R only.
Also - watch the spec change f**k up Blu Ray in October.
P-I-P is going to be optional.
BD-J is mandatory.
Network connectivity is optional.
Watch out for a whole range of new discs that simply will not work on a lot of players.
Sonic Solutions Scenarist 4, with Blu Ray addon (for the BD-J) and the CineVision set for proofing. Cost = $150,000, or
Sony Blu-Print. Cost = Unknown
Because Roxios DVDit Pro, Adobe's forthcoming EncoreCS3 and all the rest of the packages available cannot produce a master disc you can distribute or have replicated.
Only the above packages have the necessary licenses to produce replication Masters. ALL others are strictly for BD-R only.
Also - watch the spec change f**k up Blu Ray in October.
P-I-P is going to be optional.
BD-J is mandatory.
Network connectivity is optional.
Watch out for a whole range of new discs that simply will not work on a lot of players.