Thanks guys. Yes the street behind me has a name startng with the same letter as my street...
I used to regularly get mail for the same address on that street and walked it over. Sometimes a new mail carrier isn't careful. I recently had to order a replacement for a cd
that never arrived from amazonuk. Several weeks later the original delivery arrived. With the last three digits of my address written at the top of the where was it all this time.
If I take a walk this afternoon on the street behind me and hear rick derringer and the who live at the fillmore in 1968 (yes waiting for that too) I'll know my packages arrived....
I used to regularly get mail for the same address on that street and walked it over. Sometimes a new mail carrier isn't careful. I recently had to order a replacement for a cd
that never arrived from amazonuk. Several weeks later the original delivery arrived. With the last three digits of my address written at the top of the where was it all this time.
If I take a walk this afternoon on the street behind me and hear rick derringer and the who live at the fillmore in 1968 (yes waiting for that too) I'll know my packages arrived....