Finally I decoded QS recordings with Adobe Audition


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The Pan Expand parts of the script seem to work ok. The Remove Center Channel for the front wav highlights about the first minute or so. The second Remove center highlights about the first 3 minutes. When the script is finished the first 15 seconds of the wave file is highlighted.
Bob Romano said:
The Pan Expand parts of the script seem to work ok. The Remove Center Channel for the front wav highlights about the first minute or so. The second Remove center highlights about the first 3 minutes. When the script is finished the first 15 seconds of the wave file is highlighted.
I'll work on it some more. I think I know what the problem is.
A good way to see what a script is actually doing is to click on the option that says "Pause at Dialogs" or something to that extent before you launch the script. This will also allow you to change some of the settings if you decide you need to do so.

I've got what I hope is the final script just about done. One thing that Lucanu forgot to add to his script was the phase rotation of the rear channels, which I'm working on adding.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Rear Left gets rotated +90 degrees, and Rear Right gets rotated -90 degrees.
Okay, here is what I hope the final QS Script!

Again, rename to .scp.

EDIT: I updated the script with a corrected value in the Phase shifter.


  • QS Script.txt
    6.7 KB · Views: 130
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I get the same thing as before. All Highlighted sections of the wav are the same. Sorry....
Bob Romano said:
I get the same thing as before. All Highlighted sections of the wav are the same. Sorry....
I'm going to try to decode a long QS file my self to see if I can get the script to do what you are describing.
Just so you know..

What i did is start the script... then after each step started I hit cancel... which sends it to the next step. Both Pan/Expand work fine. It is the remove center channel and the final step that do not highlight the wav correctly.
Bob Romano said:
Just so you know..

What i did is start the script... then after each step started I hit cancel... which sends it to the next step. Both Pan/Expand work fine. It is the remove center channel and the final step that do not highlight the wav correctly.
When you cancel a process in Audition, it will highlight what it has already processed. So, if you hit Cancel after it processed the first 2 minutes of your file, it will highlight those first 2 minutes, and then jump to the next part of the script. It will apply the next process of the script to that highlighted 2 minutes.

The same thing happens when you cancel out of the rest of the script. It repeats the process.

So, if I understand you correctly, when you run the script, after it does the Pan/Expand effect, it only selects the first minute of the file?

How much free space is on your hard disk? It could be that Audition is only processing as much of the file as it can before you run out of disk space, or something else must be causing the first filter to cancel early.
Hmmm... that may be the problem. I will run the whole script and see what is what and report back tomorrow....

Thanks for all the help and soory for any inconvenience....
Bob Romano said:
Hmmm... that may be the problem. I will run the whole script and see what is what and report back tomorrow....

Thanks for all the help and soory for any inconvenience....
I've run the script and I haven't had the problem that you've described, for what it's worth.
I'm wondering if using the Pan/Expand effect is such a good idea here.

I'm going to make a script that does the same as the one above, except with out the Pan/Expand effect being applied. I'll post it shortly.
Here's an updated script that has the option to run the decoding both with or without the Pan/Expand effect applied.

I also corrected a value in the phase shifter that was off.

As usual, rename the attachment to .scp.


  • QS Script.txt
    6.7 KB · Views: 148
I used the script today (the one without Pan/Expand) on the QS Tommy by the London Symphony Orch.

It worked flawlessly. I decoded 70 minutes of QS in about 4 hours (give or take).

Why do you think the pan/expand shouldn't be used? I'm just curious.
Bob Romano said:
Why do you think the pan/expand shouldn't be used? I'm just curious.

The main reason is that I'm not really sure why Lucanu decided to use the Pan/Expand effect in the first place!

In trial and error, I've found that the Pan/Expand can enhance the sound a bit, but it can also make some things sound weird.

I think Lucanu was trying to simply increase the stereo separation of the original source material, and while increased stereo separation would make it sound better, I don't think this filter does a super good job of it. The problem is that the record won't ever be more separated then the source limitations, no matter what you do to it. Any separation "enhancements" are going to introduce some anomalies, as far as I know.
Bob Romano said:
I used the script today (the one without Pan/Expand) on the QS Tommy by the London Symphony Orch.

It worked flawlessly. I decoded 70 minutes of QS in about 4 hours (give or take).

By the way, I'm glad you got the script to work.

If you ever have any troubles with it, feel free to send me an AIM IM to my screen name "Dylan Berichon." That goes for anyone else reading this as well.
I'll start explaining why I use the pan/expand.
As you know in QS you will never have a full left or a full right channel as in SQ.
So I started figure out what could separate better front left and right (same thing for rear channels).
The pan/expand thing will do that with a value of 125%.
Now, analyzing the script I would suggest to put the pan/expand just AFTER the CCE in front.wav and after the final phase shifting for the rear.wav.
I notice one more thing: applying the script Dylan made there's less separation than before between front/rear channels.
I suggest to apply the CCE twice.
you can copy and paste that particular operation.


here it is my brand new corrected-enhanced-tweaked script:

it contains both SQ and QS; SQ is the winopener's as is, but the QS is modded and tweaked.

Thanks to Dylan which has done a very good one, but I thought it could be tweaked a little more, so I did.
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