Florida hurricane


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Regarding surge, nice summary from the WSJ of the $64 question:

“If the hurricane passes to the north of Tampa Bay, its counterclockwise rotation could send a surge of up to 12 feet into the mouth of Tampa Bay, threatening the region’s 3.2 million residents.

If the hurricane passes to the south of Tampa, its rotation could blow water from the bay. Such a reverse storm surge occurred in September 2022 during Hurricane Ian, dropping the bay by 7 feet and stranding boats on mud flats.”

In real life the actual landing spot can be as small as 20 miles North or South to make a huge difference...
Tornado Valley…….
Yes but, That's more Oklahoma. Tornados are magneticly drawn to trailer parks and open fields. That ain't me.

Better than living in California where earthquakes happen at any time. And then there is the Wild Fire Season. Followed by the Monsoon Season. And then the Mudslide season. And anything is becoming a nightmare on the Eastern coast.

Pretty cozy here. So far.

Edit: I do remember a Laredo Tornado coming by in '74.
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Yes but, That's more Oklahoma. Tornados are magneticly drawn to trailer parks and open fields. That ain't me.

Better than living in California where earthquakes happen at any time. And then there is the Wild Fire Season. Followed by the Monsoon Season. And then the Mudslide season. And anything is becoming a nightmare on the Eastern coast.

Pretty cozy here. So far.

Edit: I do remember a Laredo Tornado coming by in '74.
Let's face it....wherever you live will be cool...somebody mentions "cool" I think of you, not Joe Burrow...and you don't have to dye your hair either :dance
All this banter about what hits where and which is worse…I’ll say it again…Mother Nature has no friends.
The worst of Mother Nature brings out the best in Human Nature....that is true...I notice in this community how people reach out and try to help people when things are universally bad in the area...Today I was in Costco and somebody had purchased an item that a lady wanted and that customer took her to the location in the store where it was located...it was a storm related item...and people just seem to have a bond...I struck up a conversation with a lady about the storm and she went into detail about he storm problems...and I had an answer...complete stranger and she told me to be safe when I walked away...
Regarding surge, nice summary from the WSJ of the $64 question:

“If the hurricane passes to the north of Tampa Bay, its counterclockwise rotation could send a surge of up to 12 feet into the mouth of Tampa Bay, threatening the region’s 3.2 million residents.

If the hurricane passes to the south of Tampa, its rotation could blow water from the bay. Such a reverse storm surge occurred in September 2022 during Hurricane Ian, dropping the bay by 7 feet and stranding boats on mud flats.”

Yeah it has happened before, I understand, that a storm years ago drained out a lot of Tampa Bay for a bit.
I just got a text from my friend who decided to drive to Orlando to get away from the storm...it has taken her 2/12 hours to travel what is normally 45 minutes...now she is going 5 miles an hour on the interstate :rolleyes:
Yes, this morning that was being announced that I-4 and I-75 were bumper to bumper.
The worst of Mother Nature brings out the best in Human Nature....that is true...I notice in this community how people reach out and try to help people when things are universally bad in the area...Today I was in Costco and somebody had purchased an item that a lady wanted and that customer took her to the location in the store where it was located...it was a storm related item...and people just seem to have a bond...I struck up a conversation with a lady about the storm and she went into detail about he storm problems...and I had an answer...complete stranger and she told me to be safe when I walked away...
So true. Now, although I do a lot of hard work, technically and in reality I'm disabled and have those shitty diabetic feet.
But today in Dollar General, two people let me ahead in (a long) line, with one gentleman offering to pay for my purchase, saying he appreciates Vets. How he knew I was is beyond me, although I often wear my old dogtags under my shirt out of habit, but not today.
Yes. I saw the Tampa Mayor and the FEMA director on TV, uncharacteristically for me who watches little news. lol.
Also it puzzles me why my Daughter, who manages a store in Bradenton, has to work Wednesday. Corporate greed? Or a service to the citizens? IDK.
I did like hearing about State officials that yanked down a gate at a garbage transfer center after apparently local officials decided to close it. lol.
Also it puzzles me why my Daughter, who manages a store in Bradenton, has to work Wednesday. Corporate greed? Or a service to the citizens? IDK.
I did like hearing about State officials that yanked down a gate at a garbage transfer center after apparently local officials decided to close it. lol.
These briefings are 20 minutes of patting their bosses on the buttocks and 10 minutes of actual storm news