Foobar Library vs Playlist


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Since 2002/2003
Oct 18, 2002
College Grove, TN
Foobar2000 playing in random mode on WIN 10 Surface tablet > USB hub > Crucial 2TB SSD loaded with Penteo upmix FLACs > ASUS x5 audio interface > Switchbox > 6 channel amplification

In Library, I am set to monitor drive D: (Crucial 2TB SSD) which I think ought to be sufficient, but if I don't copy all of the album files into a playlist I can't play anything. If I add or subtract albums from the library (D: 2TB SSD), it's no longer in agreement with the albums listed in the playlist. Either I'm missing something simple or this is just the way it is?

Using my spare Crucial 2TB SSD, I started it off with 15 albums in library and playlist. Then I increased the albums in library to 30; then a couple days later I got it up to 50 albums in the library. But I didn't take the time to update the playlist so it only played selections from the initial 15 it sees in the playlist. So I took the time to copy / paste all 50 albums from library search into the playlist so I could hear more than the initial 15 albums.

Yesterday I knocked the album count back down to 40 in the library; the playlist tried to play some from the missing 10 albums because it doesn't follow a move like this.

In summary, if I have to always "re-image" the playlist to match the library each time, okay, but it seems odd to me that moniting a drive for content in the library is not enough. Any hints are appreciated.
Kinda weird. Never seen that problem in 20+ year of foobar use.
Are you using some special skin? Usually the refresh on the library can take a while if the database is large (>1000 album) but on such small numbers should be nearly immediate.
Foobar2000 playing in random mode on WIN 10 Surface tablet > USB hub > Crucial 2TB SSD loaded with Penteo upmix FLACs > ASUS x5 audio interface > Switchbox > 6 channel amplification

In Library, I am set to monitor drive D: (Crucial 2TB SSD) which I think ought to be sufficient, but if I don't copy all of the album files into a playlist I can't play anything. If I add or subtract albums from the library (D: 2TB SSD), it's no longer in agreement with the albums listed in the playlist. Either I'm missing something simple or this is just the way it is?

Using my spare Crucial 2TB SSD, I started it off with 15 albums in library and playlist. Then I increased the albums in library to 30; then a couple days later I got it up to 50 albums in the library. But I didn't take the time to update the playlist so it only played selections from the initial 15 it sees in the playlist. So I took the time to copy / paste all 50 albums from library search into the playlist so I could hear more than the initial 15 albums.

Yesterday I knocked the album count back down to 40 in the library; the playlist tried to play some from the missing 10 albums because it doesn't follow a move like this.

In summary, if I have to always "re-image" the playlist to match the library each time, okay, but it seems odd to me that moniting a drive for content in the library is not enough. Any hints are appreciated.
Tim, here's a Foobar thread I started awhile back, I haven't read it in a long time, so not sure it addresses your issue, but maybe something in that first post :unsure:

I do know that Foobar can be finicky about refreshing things, sometimes a computer restart might do the trick.
There's a solution: do the tagging on a machine and listen to another. :)
I'm joking about the ratio - kinda. I do the work on PC in a room with Atmos system, podcasts and a DVR to empty so I just need to adjust priorities. The listening to the fruits of this labor is usually out in the car, hence the ratio.
Kinda weird. Never seen that problem in 20+ year of foobar use.
Are you using some special skin? Usually the refresh on the library can take a while if the database is large (>1000 album) but on such small numbers should be nearly immediate.
At least, now I can highlight all the albums in the library search panel and choose the create playlist option as the fastest remedy.

The central question is whether a playlist is always necessary or if there is a setting to just rely upon whatever the library contents are at any given time?
On the skin i've used (tried many, now setting to Slides) the playlist is linked to the library, when the library populates on a scan, so do the playlist.
Thanks for your reply.

My disconnect is this: with no playlist defined = no playback. I've got a library of material without the means to deliver it.
I would like to have Foobar simply know from Library contents what is available and not monkey with playlists when I add or subtract from Library.
Is that possible?

I'm not sure what this means: library populates on a scan [does this refer to a library Drive being monitored?]

So currently I do this:
1. Library > Search - type a period (.) so all album contents display
2. Click 3 dot for sub-menu option - Create Playlist

But now I see more options fan out from ### items I never noticed before - would 'Add to Playback Queue' work differently?

library to playlist.jpg