Frank Zappa on DVDA


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Feb 15, 2015
wpg, mb
Just a "heads Up" for anyone looking for the DVDA's of
"Halloween" and "QuAudiophiliac".

I was browsing at the ZAPPA STORE about a week or 2 ago , and they have a section for "Do Dads" . For sale items.
Clicked on it and there was a box of cds in the picture , of notice there were clearly visible 4 copies each of both DVD-A at the lower right side of the box.

So anyone needing those discs , grab em while you can.

You mean in here?
Just a "heads Up" for anyone looking for the DVDA's of
"Halloween" and "QuAudiophiliac".

I was browsing at the ZAPPA STORE about a week or 2 ago , and they have a section for "Do Dads" . For sale items.
Clicked on it and there was a box of cds in the picture , of notice there were clearly visible 4 copies each of both DVD-A at the lower right side of the box.

So anyone needing those discs , grab em while you can.

I had both of these and gave them away. Not something I felt like coming back to more than twice. The newer bluray releases on the other hand. :love: