Hello from Connecticut - looking forward to learning


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Apr 1, 2023
Old Lyme, Conn.

I'm Brian - I'm glad to have found this forum. I'm not new to vintage systems but I am new to quadraphonic audio. Presently I have a McIntosh MA-5100 amplifier, MR-71 FM tuner, Technics SL-1200 turntable, and MI-3 oscilloscope, all going to two Ohm Walsh2 speakers.

We live in the house that my wife's grandparents built in 1946. In the early 60s, they put on an addition that has a cathedral ceiling for the living room (which is where the audio resides - we call it the music room). Still hanging in the front two corners of the room, 10 feet off the ground, are 60s-era speakers, about 12 inches high. Don't know what they are but they're nothing special. In the back, about 10 feet off the floor on top of the closet and half-bathroom, are two 30-inch speakers of the same vintage - again, nothing special.

I joined this forum because I want to get a quadraphonic system from 1976 - the year I was born. Right now, I'd like to get the top of the line Pioneer equipment available for that year because in my research, I've found that Pioneer is an excellent system that is in my price point. Those three McIntosh components I own were at the top of (and a little over) my budget, so I'd rather not have my wife question my sanity when I get a second system. So I'd like to research and see people's opinions about a tuner/amp, tape deck (8-track, cassette and reel-to-reel), turntable and speakers from Pioneer. I also look forward to looking for quadraphonic recordings on vinyl and tape. Jazz and classical are at the top of my list, but I'll also look at rock. I'm enjoying doing the research on all of this.

Other audio systems of note in this room include a 1902 Edison cylinder phonograph, a 1917 Sonora phonograph, and a 1928 Steinway Duo-Art reproducing piano.

Looking forward to exploring this forum.

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Good to see another Connecticut member join up. I don't know much about vintage gear so I can't really help with your question, but just wanted to say hello and welcome. You are certain to get some valuable information here.
Connecticut... born and raised. Left when I was 17 for the military. Moved back when our daughter was 10 so she could enjoy New England. Aaaand, we headed down to Florida once she was on her own. Now she won't leave. 😜 Think we'll start heading back up for the summer months.

Anyway, welcome Brian. I'm a noob on the site as well.
I’ve had a few Pioneer components in my past setups, and they all seemed pretty good, but, alas, I’m not the guy to use as a reference for their quad gear. But welcome aboard, and I have high confidence you’ll find several ways to spend your money.