If I may, I need some help from you guys in regards my BDP-103.
I tried today to setup for Foobar to act as server for my 103 for file playback.
I installed the UPnP component for Foobar but after that I got a bit lost.
I even installed an Android app on my phone called Bubble UPnP which is supposed to make things easier, but I haven't paid the coin to activate it yet as I'm not sure it's necessary or even a good thing.
In any event thus far I can't see any folders on the 103 probably because I don't know wth I'm doing.
So is there a primer somewhere I can consult?
Seems like I had this working on my BDP-80 , years ago, but remember absolutely nothing.
Throw this old dummy some rope, people. I'm feeling pretty stupid and frustrated right now.