Holy Cow Oppo BDP-103


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Have you heard the new remasterings?
Of "Tillerman" or what? MFSL gold (is what is just played) and their LP sounds great to me. I have several others on my server.

There are several things going on I'm sure, as I mentioned. Ears, tastes, and speaker fatique.
I'm, never happy with 16/44 sound, maybe rarely - but not often enough. So many CDs with average sound quality compared to higher res and vinyl.

yeah, different mastering, or different output level, or sighted bias, can do that. Pretty sure it's nothing at all to do with 16/44
yeah, different mastering, or different output level, or sighted bias, can do that. Pretty sure it's nothing at all to do with 16/44
Of course, it is the lower resolution as well. 24/96khz for high-res at home is not just another scam. It has more presence and more slam than 16/44. 24/96 has wider / higher frequency response than 16/44. Why do you think 16/44 CDs cannot carry the CD-4 quad carrier signal, but 24/96 and 24/192 can?

Lots of folks think the dynamic range of a CD means that it has a better frequency response than vinyl. CD only has a better signal-to-noise ratio.

It's like telling a BluRay fan that DVD is just as good as BR, and it's all just in your head that it looks better. Ummm, no.
Own several Kenwood CD players, two different Pioneer Elite SACD/DVD/CD players and an Oppo 83. Same CDs played on all three SACD capable players sound fuller and alike, and the occasion problem disc has always played on the Oppo.

Have never recorded same-CD audio playback using different players as wav files to compare and analyze.
Of course, it is the lower resolution as well.

Numerically, yes. Good luck actually hearing that difference.

24/96khz for high-res at home is not just another scam. It has more presence and more slam than 16/44.

Er, no. 24 bits of resolution (which exceeds what playback hardware can actually deliver) means the recorded audio can be a bit louder , and a bit quieter, than 16 ..i.e. more 'dynamic range'. It's also safer to work in higher bit depths, when doing digital production. But in the consumer world, and the home, where actual recordings tend never to have such dynamic range, and actual rooms include noise, you really aren't going to hear a difference...much less more 'presence and slam', which are things that come from simple level difference, EQ, or compression, rather than SR or bits.

24/96 has wider / higher frequency response than 16/44.

That is true. It's what 'sample rate' determines. (Technically not 'frequency response'. but bandwidth)

Why do you think 16/44 CDs cannot carry the CD-4 quad carrier signal, but 24/96 and 24/192 can?

Um...sample rate?

But can you hear above, say even 18kHz these days? Much less the 22 that CD rate captures?

Lots of folks think the dynamic range of a CD means that it has a better frequency response than vinyl. CD only has a better signal-to-noise ratio.

Wow, what a mess of confusion in two sentences. Btw, I've never seen anyone link DR and frequency response like that.

CD has a more *linear* frequency response in the range audible than LP does (as in , flat from <20Hz to 20kHz -). It also has higher resolution , because signal to noise determines that.

It's like telling a BluRay fan that DVD is just as good as BR, and it's all just in your head that it looks better. Ummm, no.

Umm, I would never say that, because digital video tech wasn't in the same place as digital audio tech was in its evolution, when BR was introduced. There was much more room for demonstrably perceptible improvement at playback . Such is not the case with audio.
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A I mentioned in an earlier post I had to "register" my audio files in Windows Media Player in order to be able to see them over the network and thus play them via the Oppo. Now I'm finding that my artwork (Folder image) is disappearing. I found out that there was still a folder file there but is now hidden. With a bit of fiddling around to allow the viewing of hidden files, and I also had to uncheck "Hide protected operating system files" (under folder options advanced settings). Now I can see the artwork (Folder) file as well as (AlbumArtSmall) and sometimes a couple of other folder images. It would seem that now the folder image is only 200 x 200 pixels. My original was much larger. This is very irritating! Damn Microsoft, damn Windows!

I've been manually setting things back to normal and removing those unwanted hidden image files.

So is there a way around this? I still want to be able to stream my files to the Oppo. I don't want WMP adding hidden files or altering my artwork. Does anyone have any suggestion for getting around this? I guess I could call my artwork "Cover" or some other name and just live with the hidden files but that idea really bugs me!
Just a guess, but is WMP listed as the default program to open your audio files?
No I don't even use it, I use Foobar but the Oppo doesn't see the folders and files unless they are "registered" in WMP. So it must be used to provide that functionality.

I just checked and it was set to Groove Music (another one that I've never used!) so I've now changed it to Foobar. Don't know yet if that will affect functionality.
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Possibly: if the music files/folders (I'm assuming on a PC) aren't shared in their Properties tabs, then the Oppo won't see them, but if Foobar is running on the same PC it will.
No I don't even use it, I use Foobar but the Oppo doesn't see the folders and files unless they are "registered" in WMP. So it must be used to provide that functionality.

I just checked and it was set to Groove Music (another one that I've never used!) so I've now changed it to Foobar. Don't know yet if that will affect functionality.
Streaming now from a folder with my original cover art, so far so good. No hidden files added. Artwork is displayed on the TV monitor. So it would appear that WMP or more likely Groove music was responsible for hiding /altering the files?
Possibly: if the music files/folders (I'm assuming on a PC) aren't shared in their Properties tabs, then the Oppo won't see them, but if Foobar is running on the same PC it will.
I didn't realize that Foobar wasn't set as the default player, now that it is all the files seem show up on the Oppo. The artwork displays, no artwork files have been changed or altered so far. I noticed that where I forgot to convert wav to flac the artwork didn't display. After file conversion all is well!

Thanks LuvMyQuad & DuncanS for pointing me in the right direction!:)
Seriously fed up with my Oppo 103D, I'm sick and tired of the Unknown Disc error message. It doesn't always happen but often enough to make me unhappy. I got Eric Clapton "Lady in the Balcony BD/DVD/CD set today and will it heck play the BD. I have a cheap Sony hooked to my AVR just in case a disc won't play in my Oppo. Cheesed off isn't in it, I feel like hurling the Fkr. As Oppo don't make BD players anymore I'm stuffed as there is no service centre I know of that I can contact.
Seriously fed up with my Oppo 103D, I'm sick and tired of the Unknown Disc error message. It doesn't always happen but often enough to make me unhappy. I got Eric Clapton "Lady in the Balcony BD/DVD/CD set today and will it heck play the BD. I have a cheap Sony hooked to my AVR just in case a disc won't play in my Oppo. Cheesed off isn't in it, I feel like hurling the Fkr. As Oppo don't make BD players anymore I'm stuffed as there is no service centre I know of that I can contact.
Far as I know the service company that repairs Oppo is still in business in California. You can find a link on the old US Oppo site. They generally have a set price per model regardless of problem.
Seriously fed up with my Oppo 103D, I'm sick and tired of the Unknown Disc error message. It doesn't always happen but often enough to make me unhappy. I got Eric Clapton "Lady in the Balcony BD/DVD/CD set today and will it heck play the BD. I have a cheap Sony hooked to my AVR just in case a disc won't play in my Oppo. Cheesed off isn't in it, I feel like hurling the Fkr. As Oppo don't make BD players anymore I'm stuffed as there is no service centre I know of that I can contact.
It's probably a failing laser. You can buy a laser assembly for the Oppo 103 for around sixty bucks off eBay if you DIY, or contact Oppo repair for shipping instructions and price (which is very reasonable at about $125.00 total the last time I checked.)
Seriously fed up with my Oppo 103D, I'm sick and tired of the Unknown Disc error message. It doesn't always happen but often enough to make me unhappy. I got Eric Clapton "Lady in the Balcony BD/DVD/CD set today and will it heck play the BD. I have a cheap Sony hooked to my AVR just in case a disc won't play in my Oppo. Cheesed off isn't in it, I feel like hurling the Fkr. As Oppo don't make BD players anymore I'm stuffed as there is no service centre I know of that I can contact.

Far as I know the service company that repairs Oppo is still in business in California. You can find a link on the old US Oppo site. They generally have a set price per model regardless of problem.
As we all well know, any, and I mean "ANY" electronics device is a crap shoot, and of course, they also don't last forever, I'd be totally comfortable calling oppo and sending my units out to them for repairs from what I've heard here.

But of course @Deek57 does seem to be in the UK, so could be some coinage and hassle for shipping 🧐 - would just be a hop, skip & jump from me though.

And probably not such a straight shot like on this map...

If I may, I need some help from you guys in regards my BDP-103.

I tried today to setup for Foobar to act as server for my 103 for file playback.
I installed the UPnP component for Foobar but after that I got a bit lost.
I even installed an Android app on my phone called Bubble UPnP which is supposed to make things easier, but I haven't paid the coin to activate it yet as I'm not sure it's necessary or even a good thing.

In any event thus far I can't see any folders on the 103 probably because I don't know wth I'm doing.

So is there a primer somewhere I can consult?
Seems like I had this working on my BDP-80 , years ago, but remember absolutely nothing.

Throw this old dummy some rope, people. I'm feeling pretty stupid and frustrated right now.