I need a new decoder/processor/preamp - suggestions please


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Dec 15, 2020
My semi-ancient Emotiva UMC-1 has given up the ghost and I find myself in need of a replacement

I currently have a 7.1 system but may as well use this as an excuse to upgrade to a 7.4.1 atmos setup

Im looking for just a processor rather than a receiver with built in amplification although Id consider that route if all else fails.

Needs to have 4+ HDMI, 1+ Toslink, 1+ Analogue Inputs. HDMI out and preferably unbalanced audio outs. Idealy a 12v output to trigger amplifiers

Im based in Ireland so can access the European and UK markets.

My budget is pretty modest - ideally under 500 euros. Consequently I expect I'll be looking at the used market rather than new

What models released in the last couple of years are worth keeping my eyes open for. If you happen to know of something for sale, I'd love a link to it.

So, all suggestions gratefully received
500 euros is about $550 US dollars, give or take. If you do find a used, Atmos capable AVP for that price let me know as well. I think the closest you are going to get is a used Emotiva MC-1 or a used Tonewinner AT 300. And neither one will handle high res 5.1 as good as your UMC-1 did. Maybe better luck with the preamp section of a used receiver that has blown power amps and pre outs.
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I'm also researching the pre/pro market. The school I teach at is putting an Atmos room together and I want to play Blu-ray Discs through the system. We only need the pre/pro for disc playback of 7.1.4 Atmos. HDMI in and balanced XLR outs preferred. Not worried about cost just yet as I'm not the one paying for it! 😇
My semi-ancient Emotiva UMC-1 has given up the ghost and I find myself in need of a replacement

I currently have a 7.1 system but may as well use this as an excuse to upgrade to a 7.4.1 atmos setup

Im looking for just a processor rather than a receiver with built in amplification although Id consider that route if all else fails.

Needs to have 4+ HDMI, 1+ Toslink, 1+ Analogue Inputs. HDMI out and preferably unbalanced audio outs. Idealy a 12v output to trigger amplifiers

Im based in Ireland so can access the European and UK markets.

My budget is pretty modest - ideally under 500 euros. Consequently I expect I'll be looking at the used market rather than new

What models released in the last couple of years are worth keeping my eyes open for. If you happen to know of something for sale, I'd love a link to it.

So, all suggestions gratefully received

Denon 3600: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...ds/denon-avr-x3600h-av-receiver-review.12676/

Denon 3700 is also a good option and might be easier to find but it will likely cost you more and you would likely have to stretch your budget a little with the 3600 already.

Budget avr pre-amps are non-existent.
Do they even put Analog inputs on any lower to mid range AVR's anymore?
I only have one surviving AVR with analog inputs personally, and I bought it at least twenty years ago.
Buying older equipment (for the analog inputs) could be OK if you get a deal I guess. But you're not going to get processing for the newer codecs.

Since Onkyo came out with their new flagship RZ70 and lower priced RZ30, the 7100 and RZ50's have really come down in price. No mch analog inputs, but they do have pre-outs for separate amps.
I have an RZ50 and they are going for half or less what I paid two years ago.
As Atmos/DTS:X 'processors' go your choice is petty limited and sadly not cheap. There's an Emotive BasX MC1, a IOTAVX AVX17 and a ToneWinner AT-300.

They are all made by ToneWinner in China...
Expensive yes but it is all relative. Look at the price of stereo/quad equipement in the early seventies and convert that to todays money and you would be shocked! If I wanted to add Atmos I could go for something like that (ToneWinner AT-300)! They are available for less than 2K CAD.

When you look at what is involved (features) in one of those units (it even sports balanced outputs), the price tag is more than justified. We have become spoiled by cheaply priced electronics coming from China.

Oh, did I say that I hate AVR's!
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Do they even put Analog inputs on any lower to mid range AVR's anymore?
I only have one surviving AVR with analog inputs personally, and I bought it at least twenty years ago.
Buying older equipment (for the analog inputs) could be OK if you get a deal I guess. But you're not going to get processing for the newer codecs.

Since Onkyo came out with their new flagship RZ70 and lower priced RZ30, the 7100 and RZ50's have really come down in price. No mch analog inputs, but they do have pre-outs for separate amps.
I have an RZ50 and they are going for half or less what I paid two years ago.
Good question... It would appear they do albeit stereo only and not just phono, many offer stereo CD/DVD, Cable/Sat and Aux inputs...
Actually, I believe the Tonewinner does allow it's analog inputs to be configured as a single multichannel input.
Expensive yes but it is all relative. Look at the price of stereo/quad equipement in the early seventies and convert that to todays money and you would be shocked! If I wanted to add Atmos I could go for something like that (ToneWinner AT-300)! They are available for less than 2K CAD.

When you look at what is involved (features) in one of those units (it even sports balanced outputs), the price tag is more than justified. We have become spoiled by cheaply priced electronics coming from China.

Oh, did I say that I hate AVR's!
Yes for sure. My Kenwood Quad AVR retailed for $999. I did not pay that much, I got it for $555 IIRC. But that was a lot of money for me in the early '70's.
My semi-ancient Emotiva UMC-1 has given up the ghost and I find myself in need of a replacement

I currently have a 7.1 system but may as well use this as an excuse to upgrade to a 7.4.1 atmos setup

Im looking for just a processor rather than a receiver with built in amplification although Id consider that route if all else fails.

Needs to have 4+ HDMI, 1+ Toslink, 1+ Analogue Inputs. HDMI out and preferably unbalanced audio outs. Idealy a 12v output to trigger amplifiers

Im based in Ireland so can access the European and UK markets.

My budget is pretty modest - ideally under 500 euros. Consequently I expect I'll be looking at the used market rather than new

What models released in the last couple of years are worth keeping my eyes open for. If you happen to know of something for sale, I'd love a link to it.

So, all suggestions gratefully received
Just chiming here to say that I was a UMC-1 owner. I did love that unit despite all its quirks back in the day. Best of luck with replacing it! I upgraded to a Marantz AV-7704 (or 5, I forget). Maybe see if you can find one of those used?
Yes for sure. My Kenwood Quad AVR retailed for $999. I did not pay that much, I got it for $555 IIRC. But that was a lot of money for me in the early '70's.
You mean Kenwood Quad Receiver. Back then there was no integration with video! So no AVR's!

Given that 100 dollars in 1972 is equivalent to 755.22 dollars in 2024, you paid the equivalent of $4191.47, an awful lot of money for sure!
You mean Kenwood Quad Receiver. Back then there was no integration with video! So no AVR's!

Given that 100 dollars in 1972 is equivalent to 755.22 dollars in 2024, you paid the equivalent of $4191.47, an awful lot of money for sure!
True. I stand corrected.
I bought it on money I somehow managed to save up while still in the Army and stow away for a few years.
By then I had been out in civilian life a few years, working many long hours to improve the family situation. My (now Ex) wife told my Father in law what I paid for the Quad equipment and he berated me for being so selfish.
I told him to look around: we lived in a brand new duplex, had a new car and decent furnishings, and that the both of us thought my hoarding and later hard work was worth the sacrifice.
He maintained that "3 hots and a cot" was plenty in the Army and I should have sent every penny home while I was overseas. Of course he served stateside so he had no clue what I sacrificed.
The prick. lol. He always was a bit dense.
When I got drafted, we lost almost everything we had. When I got back to the world I worked my ass off to make it up.

We now return to topic, mea culpa for diverging so far afield.
Why don't they put analog inputs on AVRs? Because they want you to replace your old recordings with new Atmos ones.