Any idea from the company president when the full QS/SQ/Involve version will be available? I just saw this product by accident - saw a link to their review on audaud web site when I was actually reading their review of a phono preamp!! and saw the vectorscope screenshot comparing to QSD-1 then had to google Involve Audio, then read JonUrban's write-up and now I'm here!
I have a restored (twice) Sansui QRX-9001, the 1st time by that same "someone" I think Jon referred to in his postwhich didn't last long. The 2nd restoration did the trick and Sansui is still trouble-free. Plus I have a Audionics Space & Image Composer with Tate II chips and it's working fine. BUT when the day comes that the Sansui needs work (and that day will come eventually, controls don't stay de-oxited forever) I will not pay another $1000-1200 to restore it again. And on the rare occasions a QSD-1 does appear on Ebay, there's a bidding war & crazy money.
So the Surround Master looks like the ideal product for us old (and new) quaddies with extensive quad LP collections. My own experience is that Dolby PLIIx Music pales in comparison to QS & Tate SQ in generating near-discrete surround from 2 ch's. So that parallels the reviews I've found of the Surround Master since it "seems" to be close or better than QS matrix.
I read the thread comparing QSD-1 results to SM results. If the Involve matrix is that close to QS in results and can accurately decode QS, what will the QS edition add over the Involve/SQ version? Or is there differences between straight QS decoding and Involve matrix?? Maybe I missed something in skimming that thread.
I hope "chucky" sees my post soon and can help because I'm eager to buy one but if the QS/SQ version is just around the corner, I'd like to wait and get the full version.
It's a shame Audioholics gave it a great review but also gave it a "mildly interesting". But that's not too surprising since they are focused on home theater & 2ch audio. The reviewer did mention appeal to quadraphonic fans.
I wish Involve Audio success beyond us quadraphiles and hope the company does well enough to stay around awhile. This looks like an ideal product for those with 40 yr old quad gear that's limping along. as some of you may know, I'm the original owner of my Sansui 9001 from 1979.
I've been absent from this forum for quite awhile, although I have been checking on 5.1 music but nothing on hardware or surround in general. Glad this product got me back here again![]()
The Surround Master with QS and SQ decoding is available. It's called the Surround Master SQ Edition and it sells for $499 - a $100 premium over the original non-SQ version.
What is still pending, from what I know, is the Surround Master encoder which allows you to take discrete multichannel material and matrix encode it.
If you need an excellent matrix decoder, I think the Surround Master is a deal. Recommended here.