I'm late to the game on Songs From the Wood, and it appears I narrowly missed my chance to snag this at a fair price...
Amazon.com lists it as "Usually ships in 1 to 2 weeks," which I've found in the past, often times results in never getting shipped at all. Average price on Discogs is well over a $100 and it's pretty much unlisted at all of the European Amazon sites; not to mention the poor bastards caught up in a bidding war for a copy on Ebay right now - with three days left it's already at $164 USD (plus $23 shipping

). So, as I was trying to find a copy of this earlier this week, I was beginning to feel a bit despondent. As a last ditch effort, I hopped on over to Amazon.ca and noticed they still have copies readily available for $59.84 CDN. Shipped DHL to the US, cost me about $55 USD, and I just received an alert that it was just delivered to my doorstep. From the time it left the British Columbia warehouse to arrival at my place in Utah, was less than 24 hours
Anyway, just a heads-up to any prospective buyers out there. I'd imagine they won't be available much longer on Amazon Canada.