I wanted to note that both on the Blu-Ray and the DVD adapted edition, the quad mix is released incorrectly, with the back left channel in the incorrect polarity (compared to the rest of the mix), the LFE is out of phase (sometimes to the point of being a whole second out of sync), and the back channels of "Hymn 43"' appear to be swapped. I talk about the issue here with a few audio examples!
Fixing Aqualung's Quad Mix: The Back Left Channel's Incorrect Polarity; Sometimes Laughably Out of Phase LFE; Swapped Back Channels of "Hymn 43"
Fixing up these issues reveals a really beautiful mix!
Fixing Aqualung's Quad Mix: The Back Left Channel's Incorrect Polarity; Sometimes Laughably Out of Phase LFE; Swapped Back Channels of "Hymn 43"
Fixing up these issues reveals a really beautiful mix!