Layla Box Set/5 discs/2 lp's/DVD


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I couldn't agree more. We've all made fun of the Immersion boxes, but this is way worse. Does anyone actually think I'd put that stupid pick guard sticker on my guitar? The pop-up artwork inside the box is ridiculous and why would I want miniature replica tickets?

the pop up "art" in mine was all torn, the lone replica ticket crumpled (makes it more authentic I guess), the vinyl and all other discs scratched -- apart from the DVD (which was all I wanted it for!!) but at first I thought the 'precious' DVD was missing.. instead it had slipped down out of its slot and was stuck right deep down inside the card lining...!!

whoever conceived the packaging for this set should be fired/never hired again.

I keep the DVD in the jewel case with my Layla SACD now, mostly for conveniences' sake.. but also so I don't have to suffer looking at the pitiable shape of the damned box and all the rubbish it came with that still wouldn't be of any use to me, even if it hadn't been completely trashed in transit.

I have received the item from Overstock and

I HAVE BEEN SOLD A KNOWINGLY DEFECTIVE ITEM SINCE THE SHIPPING BOX WAS in PERFECT SHAPE (I would have refused the delivery had the shipping box been crushed like the item).



I mean, if it had been ONLY CD/DVDs , well I wouldn't be this mad,


end of VERY angry rant!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

I'm SO sorry and disappointed for you Kap'n :(
I guess I got lucky then, and I was expecting the worst.

On mine (ordered from Overstock), there were a few very small dents along the top edge of the box. The CDs had slipped partially into the holders and I had to clean a glue booger off the edge of the 5.1 DVD. There were some light scratches on the CDs from where they slid. Some of the paper liner had peeled up on the inside (easily glued back down). And I saw some small pinhole-sized dents on the inside of the box, probably caused by the pin sliding around inside the box.

Other than that, everything looked great.

Yes, the box is overkill. My question is how much did the pop-up art cost and how much does it really add to the value? I'm all for cool aesthetics, but you can't even look at it unless you hold the box open with your other hand! On the other hand, I personally thing the Strat pickguard sticker is kinda cool. I'm tempted to put it on one of my guitars.

The vinyl sounds very nice -- I have a pristine version of the original yellow Atco (a George Piros pressing) and the new one compares very favorably. I'm impressed.

And as everyone says, the Scheiner mix is a revelation. This album has been such a muddy mess all these years. It's so nice to hear it opened up.

Kap'n, I'm disappointed for you as well. That stinks. Not sure if Overstock packed mine differently compared to yours. On mine, there were so many air pillows stuffed into the box that it looked like it was about to burst at the seams. The box set was basically pinned to the bottom of the shipping box, and luckily nothing damaged the bottom of it, because there was no buffer between the bottom cardboard and the box set.
I just noticed last night that the tops of the LP jacket were split also. This thing must have taken a beating in transit. I think Overstock, the shipper and the package designer are equally at fault. Overstock told me I have to wait for the shipping company to come to my house to inspect the package before they'll send a replacement. I have a feeling I'm going to have to get Amex involved. Never buying from Overstock again.
lovely mix.. shame it's stuck in a big box stuffed full of other items of dubious merit, in a package which is so poorly conceived that the box tears to bits inside and all the discs fall around and about the dreadful innards and all get scratched in transit.

same shit with DSOTM the discs at the bottom of the box and never stayed in place, the cardboard sleeves that came out, and all the crap rolling around damaging discs. Lots of damged discs got sent back. Look like no one got a pristine set here with this set. Even the store bought were damaged. shame it's stuck in the stupid box, FB is right!
I bought my DSOTM Immersion at retail. I had to open 3 to find one without scratched discs. WYWH added cardboard sleeves for each disc. They looked hokey, but must have greatly cut returns.

Although I know it's not possible for everyone, I much prefer buying anything at retail, or p/u at Music Direct. I can examine it and/or easily return it if it's got a defect. Yes, it sometimes costs more. I'm also becoming increasingly adverse to on-line ordering and banking for security reasons, IMHO. Please don't tell me about secure links. Some very big financial people have been hacked lately, though my bank wasn't one of them.

same shit with DSOTM the discs at the bottom of the box and never stayed in place, the cardboard sleeves that came out, and all the crap rolling around damaging discs. Lots of damged discs got sent back. Look like no one got a pristine set here with this set. Even the store bought were damaged. shame it's stuck in the stupid box, FB is right!
same shit with DSOTM the discs at the bottom of the box and never stayed in place, the cardboard sleeves that came out, and all the crap rolling around damaging discs. Lots of damged discs got sent back. Look like no one got a pristine set here with this set. Even the store bought were damaged. shame it's stuck in the stupid box, FB is right!

mercifully the one disc that survived unscathed in my Layla box (but was AWOL, having slipped down inside the stupid packaging!) was the DVD.. the only solitary object inside it that I even wanted..!!

I almost sent the box straight back when I couldn't see the DVD in its slot.. but then I went hunting, found it, put it on, loved it and forgot all about the completely crappy box -- and enjoyed the wonderful ES mix.. which is what I've done with this set ever since. Next time I have a purge I might just chuck the whole box in the bin.
Despite the scuffs on the DVD, it played fine. If they are truly out of stock I may just keep it. It still pisses me off though.
as its the only way to legitimately get it and any replacement you get may be in even worse shape, or missing the DVD altogether, I'd probably just live with it. not ideal by any means but who can really be bothered with all the hassle..? I know I couldn't - and didn't.
OK, so the Overstock people offered me an ALMOST TOTAL refund (losing about 10 Euros...still gotta check),
I have to drop it off at a DHL center ----

I'll keep you posted...

Never again...

now, I really hope the LTIA box is better packed and NOT faulty stock....
I got a replacement from Overstock yesterday. This one was packed much more carefully, so at least they appear to have learned something. The box was in perfect condition. I was getting excited. As I opened it up everything seemed in order, the LP jacket wasn't split at the top like the previous box. I open up the LP jacket and all of the discs are sitting inside the sleeves. I pull out the DVD and it has adhesive on the outer edge of the shiny side! Aaaargh!!!! I carefully washed it off with warm water and a soft cloth. I think I got it off, but it and the other CD's were still scratched just from being in those goddamned sleeves. In this case it is totally the manufacturer's fault for this moronic design. I've played the DVD and the scratches and adhesive didn't seem to affect the playback. Considering how Overstock handled this, I would give them another chance. The mix itself is great, but I'm going to avoid any more packages with these types of sleeves.
I got a replacement from Overstock yesterday. This one was packed much more carefully, so at least they appear to have learned something. The box was in perfect condition. I was getting excited. As I opened it up everything seemed in order, the LP jacket wasn't split at the top like the previous box. I open up the LP jacket and all of the discs are sitting inside the sleeves. I pull out the DVD and it has adhesive on the outer edge of the shiny side! Aaaargh!!!! I carefully washed it off with warm water and a soft cloth. I think I got it off, but it and the other CD's were still scratched just from being in those goddamned sleeves. In this case it is totally the manufacturer's fault for this moronic design. I've played the DVD and the scratches and adhesive didn't seem to affect the playback. Considering how Overstock handled this, I would give them another chance. The mix itself is great, but I'm going to avoid any more packages with these types of sleeves.

oh yeah you reminded me, there was glue on my dvd too. what a disastrous set this was. its petty in the grand scheme of things but when you fork out all that money for one little disc in a set full of worthless dross, its all just magnified.

I'm hopeful this will be the last time we have to suffer such a poorly thought-through package just to get a surround mix. it seems like the more recent boxes are mostly smaller, more sensibly packaged affairs (Machine Head, etc.).

that said, the upcoming Clapton/Slowhand set looks like it will be another (unnecessarily - this is Slowhand we're talking about, nice enough album but hardly Layla) monstrous box.. so if the 5.1 is different from the old SACD this has the dreaded potential of being similarly troublesome. ah well.. think I'll save my dosh up for an overpriced (but more worthwhile) OOP DVDA/SACD (or two) instead.
the box is now down to $75 at ImportCDs

Probably crazy , but I just ordered it

I'm gonna take the chance that the Scheiner disc isn't ruined
and if it is , I'll toss the whole box and forget it.

so little surround is getting out now -
and what is was mostly dreadful music when it originally came out - why buy it ?

Layla is legendary music - worth chasing

Well your not alone, I just ordered it too. They had a 10% discount on top of the $75 reduced price. Merry XMAS to me!!!