Having given it some thought, I’ve decided on the following marking system I'll use when it comes to voting in QQ polls. The system is essentially a breakdown of what I think Sonics, Mix, Content and Packaging represent and for each sub-marker, of which there are ten in total, I’ll score marks out of ten and then convert the final score out of a hundred to marks out of ten in keeping with QQ scoring, rounding up or down where necessary.
- dynamic range (is it LOUD from the off or can one give it some volume)
- equalisation (how balanced is the music across the frequency range - specifically looking out for too much bass or treble or lack of)
- degree of discreteness (is it ambient as per most classical releases or full-on like DSOTM)
- cohesion of mix (how well the channels knit together - does it sound like there are two systems playing music in the room or one)
- instrumentation (evaluating instrument placement and levels)
- quality of music (to what extent does the music get you air-jamming, tapping your toes, singing along, crying on the inside etc)
- performance (perhaps more relevant to live and classical releases where performances of the same piece of music can vary considerably)
- function (how well the packaging allows access to its contents and stores it securely)
- form (how nice is the packaging to feel and behold)
- value (to what extent does this release represent good value for money compared to the original retail prices - evaluating everything you get for your money against the cost)
I don't think my scoring system will require studios listening and note-taking - I'm hoping I can just play the music and make mental notes along the way to type up afterwards. We'll see. Maybe I'll have to have a pen and paper at hand. But before I do anything, I'll have to decide which mch album will be my first foray into the QQ polls...