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Nextup some SuperTramp even in the quietest moments...cuz its in there...followed up with more RUSH 2112 playing in faux surround
Dolby plii movie mode on my avr...decodes pretty good...of course would rather have real discreet surround but there is none 😢

Don't know if you're into doing your own up-mixes on a computer; there's also that option from one of our resident geniuses- Glenn aka @zeerround; he's been extremely generous with his time and knowledge with me trying to get SpecWeb to work on one of my laptops. Sadly it was just too old a processor; but the kind of up-mixes from something like SpecWeb blows Dolby PLII or others right out of the water- not even close IMO!
More info here:
Don't know if you're into doing your own up-mixes on a computer; there's also that option from one of our resident geniuses- Glenn aka @zeerround; he's been extremely generous with his time and knowledge with me trying to get SpecWeb to work on one of my laptops. Sadly it was just too old a processor; but the kind of up-mixes from something like SpecWeb blows Dolby PLII or others right out of the water- not even close IMO!
More info here:

Yeah i know but im puterless...n so way behind...tis alright i survive w oppo n multi channel discs n prologic dsp for now
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