The Rang
2K Club - QQ Super Nova

Tom Jones - Green, Green Grass of Home
Another good album, a few peppier songs than the previous release.
Hey Rang
EvilBay has got it a pretty good price|tkp:BFBMpriU6dxh
Think I still have that one somewhere. If I recall, during one of the songs Ian mentioned something about the road crew liking one part of the song coming up... “the only reason they’re here” or something like that. Always strange what odd fragments gets lodged in one’s head.Jethro Tull Rocks On The Road
ThanksHey Rang
EvilBay has got it a pretty good price|tkp:BFBMpriU6dxh
In your lists I can always count on at least one disc I know and love (McCann & Harris) and one I’m completely unfamiliar with (Hammack)If It Wasn't For You - Caylee Hammack
Houses of the Holy - Zep from "girders" box
Second Movement - Les McCann & Eddie Harris
Best of Rossini - Rossini Ensemble, Budapest & Zagreb Festival Orch Naxos 8-556683