I only have a 5.1 system, but I've really been enjoying Murmur. The rears sound active to me, not exactly discreet, but not just ambience or double stereo either. The album was recorded in Mitch Easter's modest studio, so the original technology may be a limiting factor with this mix. All in all I find it effective, and it breathes some new life into an album that I've heard many dozens of times. And it's interesting to see the lyrics on the screen; I'm not sure how accurate they are, but they seem to be better guesses than what I've been singing in my head all these years. Mr. Stipe didn't exactly enunciate on those early R.E.M. albums, which I think was deliberate, and my understanding is that he always argued for the vocals to be low in the mix, and that he chose words for how they sounded, without much literal meaning or intent. Wha-eva, it all works for me, and I really hope they Atmos-ize the rest of the I.R.S. catalog, if the multitracks exist.