Someone was brave enough to say it.
oh well, i didn't think it was particularly brave, it came across as the typical kind of withering remark (some might say threadcrap?) some of us have come to expect from that member over the years!
so in that instant i laughed it off as their usual sorta forum modus operandi, a puffed-up expostulation out of nowhere in a thread to which they'd hitherto contributed just about diddly-squat

drop by, drop a stink bomb and bugger off out of the thread again! nice..

but in all fairness it did make me wonder about a potential wider debate
we know folk at QQ enjoy listening to and posting about a variety of music extending beyond the reach of Quad and the 1970's and the 80's, beyond Prog, beyond Classic Rock, etc.. and there's now absolutely tons of new music streaming in all sorts of genres and styles and languages, "new new" stuff's being released constantly, with a number of excellent examples of Surround mixing going on amongst what i admit is a deluge of offerings!
a wider question might be, would it actually be welcome to start another thread for posting what we're listening to when it's new music/not Classic Rock!?
would QQ-ers actually prefer there to be yet another tier (or even granule!

) of the forum to offshoot to for "Listening to Atmos of new music that's not mainstream/classic albums"?
maybe we actually do need another Atmos listening thread for those who don't want to hear about newly recorded Pop music in Surround!?
if enough of us want it and the Mods are ok with it, i'd be happy to post in a separate thread

it might even reveal how many people genuinely enjoy listening to newer music, it might surprise us how many do!?

it's the weekend

and i'm greatly looking forward to posting here soon about the tracks i've been enjoying in Atmos all week!

i promise to make it short-ish and sweet
(spoiler alert; some of it maybe unfamiliar to some members and some of it may have even been recorded in the last 12 months!

peace and love as always