The track “Let It Bleed” is better than most. Worth a listen.Are there any individual tracks worth spending my time listening to?
These 'new' Rolling Stones releases are certain upmixes in my opinion. Same as what was done on Tattoo You and Forty Licks a few years ago. You only have to compare them to the original stereo mix and then isolate the individual bed channels. There's been some manipulation (by filtering frequency ranges I guess?) to make different instruments louder in the additional channels, but even then you can still hear the original stereo elements like the vocals, drums etc in the background...Are there any individual tracks worth spending my time listening to?
I wonder why ABKO lists credit for an ATMOS mix engineer for these release if they aren’t a remix? I was very happy with ABKO when they released the early 2000’s SACDs which were pristinely remastered for the medium. Seemed that they were willing to invest resources to get good sound quality. I personally think that the sound of Stones music doesn’t lend itself to hyper discrete presentation. Most of their original records were mixed pretty dense, Jaggers vocals buried, and the bass lines felt and not heard.These 'new' Rolling Stones releases are certain upmixes in my opinion. Same as what was done on Tattoo You and Forty Licks a few years ago. You only have to compare them to the original stereo mix and then isolate the individual bed channels. There's been some manipulation (by filtering frequency ranges I guess?) to make different instruments louder in the additional channels, but even then you can still hear the original stereo elements like the vocals, drums etc in the background...
Still it might be better than nothing, however if that's what you're after then you'd be better off doing it yourself with a lossless source. Shame as I guess this will be the way forward now unless we can get Giles Martin on board for something like a Beggars Banquet deluxe issue. If it's just the same then it'll be easy to compare to the 5.1 SACD single mix on 'Sympathy For The Devil'...
It's not like The Stones are't short of a few bob or two to really put the effort in, but I guess it depends perhaps more on the label and management.
Ah well never mind, plenty of proper Atmos music to listen to...
Yeah I see Kenta Yonesaka credited as the 'Immersive Mix Engineer'... His other Atmos credits are that Forty Licks comp and a few other Sam Cooke compilations. I don't doubt that they had a dabble at trying to spread things out. I'm just assuming they used the original stereo/mono mixes rather than the original multitracks... I've only really looked at Let It Bleed to be honest...I wonder why ABKO lists credit for an ATMOS mix engineer for these release if they aren’t a remix?
Each to their own but I think the 5.1 mix of Sympathy For The Devil sounds great with a discrete mix... Much prefer it that way than to how it sounds on the Forty Licks Atmos release from streaming... Isolated "Whoo Whoo's" and percussion elements in the rears sound really cool and like I'm inside the song rather than everything in front of me.I personally think that the sound of Stones music doesn’t lend itself to hyper discrete presentation. Most of their original records were mixed pretty dense, Jaggers vocals buried, and the bass lines felt and not heard.