I was browsing Ben Dodson's Spatial database when the name "French 79" caught my eye.
I said to myself, well I like French music and I was born in 79, so let's give it a listen.
Turns out it's pretty good!
"French 79" is indeed a French musician who was also born in 79. We also share the same name, so that's quite a coincidence.
He's style is defiantly in my wheelhouse - 80's electronic dance-pop/synthwave.
Although I think It's not as polished as other electronic greats, but he is getting there.
I'm sure that if he'll join someone and they'll be a French electronic duo, he will get there faster
His latest album "Teenagers" is mixed in Atmos, and for the most part, it's a really good mix, with some great use of surrounds.
If you like Rodrigez Jr., Gaspard Auge and others like them you should defiantly give this album a spin.
Tracks to sample: "Burning Legend", "Memories" & "Freedom"