This is one of those titles that tends to imbue our fellow travelers with varying shades of polarization. It's too bad really that more folks here don't get a chance to hear this, as it has become rare and expensive. Over at the Poll thread you can see that few have voted on it, which I'm inclined to believe is more about access than contribution. There are currently only 19 votes for this.
I'm also lucky enough to have grabbed this early on when the prices were reasonable, and I'm happy to have it. It's safe to say the fidelity of this recording is stellar. I believe it's important to consider a couple of things with this title and others in general.
One, what were the artists and engineers trying to achieve not just from an artistic stand point, but sonically as well. We all like to think we're experts in what is presented to us, but actually we can only respond to our tastes in a somewhat subjective way.
Two, beyond a more corporate view of what a release should sound like to create sales numbers (or, what does the label & producer feel the customer wants to hear); lies the actual control an artist has to express their vision of their music, regardless of what the fans want (think Dylan going electric.)
Some of this can be answered from the liner notes provided by the Surround Sound Engineer - Jim Anderson. I wont include any of that here (maybe in the Poll thread later.)
One of the Poll voters mentioned they had a reversal of opinion on this album when they went to four matching full-range speakers and possibly gained better insight into the choices made for the mix. We all hear it differently, each room's acoustics and equipment varies substantially.
I for one am going to do a little more research on-line to find articles about this album, and perhaps gain more insight into what the artist and her collaborators were envisioning. Sometimes when you open a can of worms, it's best to get a little dirty, shove a hook in a worm, drop it in your favorite fishing hole and go home with a nice dinner.