Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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Although it's not midnight, it's always time for some belly rub
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8.29 on our poll
DAYUM! One of my all-time favo(u)rite Quad mixes! I have this–twice–on SACD. Because i LOVE it so much, i scored this LP to frame and hang in my Quad space. I ultrasonically cleaned the slab this morning, and i'm reveling in the mix between keystrokes! If you don't own the D-V 3-fer SACD (Ship Ahoy, Message in the Music, Live in London), please consider purchasing it! Masterpiece!
Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 8.12.58 AM.png
My 10
review of this beauty!
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DAYUM! One of my all-time favo(u)rite Quad mixes! I have this–twice–on SACD. Because i LOVE it so much, i scored this LP to frame and hang in my Quad space. I ultrasonically cleaned the slab this morning, and i'm reveling in the mix between keystrokes! If you don't own the D-V 3-fer SACD (Ship Ahoy, Message in the Music, Live in London), please consider purchasing it! Masterpiece!
View attachment 109389 My 10
review of this beauty!
What do you think of the Epic vs the Vocallion release?