Listening to this surround UPMIX, up-remix, or remix


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a little funky Norman Whitfield never hurt

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Frustratedly A/B'ing between Methuselah's Grandpa and skherbeck as I try to pick the one I want to give prominence to in my library... ya'll are too damn good at this!
This thread is all about upmixes. The great work done by @skherbeck is actually multi- channel remixes from individual tracks or stems. Upmixes and remixes are two different animals.
This thread is all about upmixes. The great work done by @skherbeck is actually multi- channel remixes from individual tracks or stems. Upmixes and remixes are two different animals.
It seems that many of us have been using the term "upmix" rather broadly. Yes, anything mixed from multi-tracks or stems like Methuselah and Herbeck have been doing are actually remixes or new mixes and not upmixes.

But what do we call the stuff that a number of members, including myself, are doing when we demix from stereo into stems (i.e. tear it apart into acoustic guitar, electric guitar, drums, bass, vocals, other instruments, etc.); and then remix into a new multi-channel mix?

And then we've got others who upmix first, then demix and finally remix.
A bit of fun from "Niko"

On the other hand, this is one of my absolute favorite tunes from Sabbath. A semi-psychedelic slab of killer rock. Geezer's lyrics are over the top and Ozzy delivers some scorching vocals. Obviously Iommi is on fire here.


Listening to this album by these supremely talented young ladies. One of my favourite albums of the last five years and the production on the stereo mix is stellar so upmixing works quite well.