A few people have mentioned these on this thread and I know it comes up on here fairly frequently... So, last night I was at a local comedy gig, Rich Hall for those interested. Robert Plant lives locally too and was sat just behind me at the show so during the interval I took the opportunity to sound him out over possible surround mixes. I have to say he had very little to no enthusiasm for them, I did my best to sell the virtues of surround and mentioned SW and some of the artists and albums that have being done, which he acknowledged. He basically said things like 'that stuff was in the past and that's where it should stay', 'a lot of it wasn't really that good anyway' and 'they sound better in mono!' at which point I expressed my surprise and said that I'd heard Jimmy was the one that wasn't into it and he said 'No, Jimmy's into all that, in fact he's into anything, but mainly S&M!' so make of that what you will...