300 Club - QQ All-Star
I hope I put this in the right place. Please tell me if its not.
Mary Fahl (former lead singer of October Project) is releasing her acclaimed recording of
From The Dark Side of the Moon (FTDSOTM)
in 5.1 Blu-ray in early 2020 (Feb/Mar)
In 2006 Mary Fahl climbed the Mt. Everest of music and recorded From The Dark Side of the Moon (FTDSOM). Her inspired interpretation of the iconic Pink Floyd album. Brilliantly mixed by the famous Bob Clearmountain who apparantly, since 2001, mixed every album he touched in stereo AND multi-channel.
Her record company at that time was -V2 Records – who typically made only stereo CDs. Apparently the only person to hear the multi-channel was/is Mary's guitar/producer Mark Doyle who is the other genius behind the sound of FTDSOM. To complicate matters V2 folded before the CDs went on sale leaving the album unreleased and languished until the rights reverted to Mary in 2011 who sold the stereo CDs at her concerts. The 5.1 became a memory and would not have survived if not for Mark who is a multi-channel maven too. He was the only one it seems who knew he was in possession of a rare and unique gem.
Tout se retrouve à nouveau - “All that is lost can be found again”.My small part in all this? Fast forward to 2019. Over the years I became a friend of Mary and her husband/manager Rich Lutz. I did a Christmas video from her 2019 Holiday Album a song called "Walking in the Air" and they asked what they could do in return – of course I naturally said "let me mix an album in 5.1 please...”. They then told me that one already exists! Imagine my shock but only one copy existed with Mark. I eventually got the ISO of FTDSOTM as a DVD-Audio only without any video content. I listened to this 10 times (at least) in a row. Thus I became the second person to hear this mix in 13 years. My unbridled enthusiasm only added to what Mark knew already all those years but it got the ball rolling. So ends my 15 minutes of fame, but the world of surround now gets this rare gem.
I have every important multi-channel release since 1996, on every optical format. I think I know what is good by now- I have a disdain for boring conservative mixes and I love that Mr. Clearmountain does NOT play it safe. This is one of the best mixes I have ever heard. Granted, I may blinded by my appreciation of Mary's incomparable voice but I strongly believe I am right.
They are remastering FTDSOTM into a more universal surround format on Blu-ray - the disc will include the hi-res stereo and multi-channel in 24/88.2 -the work will be finished in early 2020 and I cannot wait to hear from all my fellow Quads and Multis and their opinions. You will be able to buy it from Mary's website when available. Check out her videos there and on YouTube (especially the FTDSOTM in concert) Then go see her in concert for yourself and become true believers too.
Here is a thorough review of FTDSOTM Mark Doyle
Rik Pepe
Thank you so much. Got my copy (personalized too!) in the mail yesterday. Great disc. Please thank her for releasing the surround mix. It is such a treat.